If Blizz wants our suggestions on customization, then lets give it

If you don’t think contributing will help, don’t say anything and don’t tell us to stop.

I’m not telling you to stop. You can discuss whatever you want. But I see no sign they want suggestions at this point. It is misleading to say they want suggestions. They’ve had a ton of suggestions that they are free to work on if they decide to provide the resources necessary.

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You’re subtly hinting that this is a useless endeavor. There’s nothing to lose here for making noise over what we want even if it doesn’t happen.

My only solace is that things did change a LOT More over beta then they did in BfA so SOMEONE is listening. Maybe they’re not entirely for cosmetics cause not game design but at least some yelling can travel a bit at least. I’m not sure if this will do something but there’s nothing to lose for trying is all I’m saying.

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I’d say at least hair colors and ear lengths. If they do copy over jewelry, do silver, blue and purple instead of Gold, red and green. I will say different hairstyles and jewelry would work better. (And tentacle on/off switch)

I’d specifically like to see scars as their own options separate from faces and skin color for ALL races. The way they handled scars for Humans is utterly stupid. Why are scars exclusive to just the new skin colors?

Also, they need to add dark brown eye colors for many of the races like Humans, Gnomes, and Dwarves because right now, they don’t have ANY actual dark brown eye colors.

Apparently this was a problem masked by the previous lack of dark skin tones, but using the new Black skin colors really exacerbates the lack of dark eye colors when they all look light compared to the skin.

Thing is, they actually teased the addition of dark brown eye colors for Humans at Blizzcon 2019, but just like how the eye shape options were never implemented, the dark brown eyes never made it into the final game.

Human customization for Shadowlands ended up practically being a bait-and-switch for the most part, and I guess they’re refusing to talk about it because they’re afraid of being called racist if they explain that “engine/animation problems” prevented proper implementation of features like eye shapes or something.

It would have been nice if they had said that the eye shape for Humans are still being looked into, at the very least.

Even if technical reasons prevented the inclusion of the different eye shapes, it doesn’t explain why the dark brown eyes from Blizzcon never got implemented into the game, especially since we received some fantasy eye colors like bright purple (not that there’s anything wrong with the purple eye options, of course).

It looks bad all around, and apparently they aren’t going to do anything about this during Shadowlands, and perhaps never because “HuMaNs ReCeIvEd PlEnTiFuL aMoUnTs Of NeW CuStOmIzAtIoN, tHeReFoRe ThEy DoN’T aNoThEr LoOkiNg At LuLz.”

They should at least add those dark brown eye colors from Blizzcon 2019 if no new customization options are going to be made for Shadowlands, as well as any other customization options that are pretty much game-ready but not yet implemented for whatever reason.

Now, all of this isn’t to say that Humans should receive a bazillion new customization options while races like Nightborne and Goblins remain lacking in options, but Humans should at least get the customization options as they appeared at Blizzcon 2019. No other race has this problem where they showed off new customization at Blizzcon 2019 and then failed to properly implement a significant amount of the new options.

I also think that there’s a war paint color shown off at Blizzcon 2019 for Trolls that never got implemented either. There’s a bone-like tan paint color featured on one of the male Trolls that’s lighter than the yellow paint color that we got.

I don’t think there’s any reason for that war paint color option to not get added either.


Well plus side Wowhead picked up the story on the discontent.

I’ve been paying for WoW with tokens since they were released so they kinda have my “money” already (in that they have someone else’s money who bought the tokens). I don’t have that thing when you unsubscribe where they ask you why you’re doing it. I just kinda… disappear. :ghost:

I see a lot of people make a fuss over leaving. My general response tends to be “See you when you get back” since you know the bigger a huff they leave in the more likely they’ll fall back in. I apologize if I miss read your response.

It was less, “I’m leaving” and more, “If you want Blizz to listen, dropping subs is the only way they’ll bother to change anything”.

I’d like to customize my account with my character slots and I’d like to customize the game with the ability to solo legion raids, thanks or your time :slight_smile:

not gonna happen. Lot of people really enjoy the game regardless. Might ‘help’ but would deal quite a bit of damage too.

how many character slots you need and I’m sorry you don’t have friends.


I’m not lol

i guess they want to keep it simple looking.

the new character creation is already more overwhelming than it used to be :wink:

add 20,000 options and sliders everywhere and suddenly its not so simple anymore heh

*not to mention they cant even fix clipping on some 17 years old basic models so adding more sliders/options probably wouldnt help

More druid form customization as well please, ie. New colors and more epic skins like the ones from the Mage Tower.


Lift the transmog ban on armor types. No work involved on bliz’s part, most races can be any armor types anyways, so if my plate wearing warrior wants to wear a freaking dress transmog, who cares???


Absolutely need more glyphs and spell customization. Character customization is neat but I want blue fire for mages and moon priest spells for nelf priests.


I would love to see an option like that but don’t want it to go overboard. For example, some leather options look like mail and some mail options look like leather, but having a rogue running around in plate armor would look kinda funny.

Yeah, when they’re introducing cosmetic heritage sets and cosmetic covenant sets and cosmetic sets for sale, it sounds a little ridiculous that they don’t want to unlock transmog for “gameplay reasons”. Anyone who wants to disguise their armor-type can do it already.

How does a rogue in plate look any funnier than a rogue wearing armor that literally glows?