If Blizz wants our suggestions on customization, then lets give it

Straight spines and facial hair options, both beards and mustaches. Mustaches mainly to complement the jaw customizations

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And tails!


Indeed. I mean I do those things because I’m invested and I’m hoping feedback will be appreciated in some way.
But this, after specifically asking us for feedback feels really like a slap to the face.


Right? They’re putting the blame on us instead. Screw that.


Ok cool, then we’ll make more for them to listen to.

Sunwell customizations for the Blood Elves, ie. runic tattoos, jewelry of power. etc. or sunwell weapons.


I’m not arguing that but if they want to play this game and ask us for more so be it. What’s better, being silent and not saying anything and making them think we don’t want anymore or making our voices heard?

So I should stop and tell blizz “no this is fine no more customization” is what you’re saying? Just give up because they’re not working on it atm? They didn’t close the door fully. If they don’t do it now, make sure they do it later.

Cause easy additions.

dark iron dwarves, Mohawk with half metal and half hair.

Dwarves, a beard with a small horn drinking horn tide around it.

Draenei, a pony tail with a draenei crystal tied into it, or at least a lil naaru like piercings on the ears.

worgens, bone braids of small bones braided into his/her fur that goes down his/her back.

orcs, braided bone beard, small bones in the beards like they did for blackhand.

DR orcs: shattered hand option

gnomes, mecha-gnome hand option, just one hand.

Mecha-gnome, limbs that you can transmog gear over!

trolls, small shrunken heads braided in his hair in a tail. or her.

zandalari, Same but with small dinosaurs. ^

kul’tiran, Anchor braided beards/hair.

Humans, long combed back hair that has a braided circlet like a fancy person for both genders.

I would like to see,
-trolls get their beards, Bulky body type, Green skins
-Dwarves get new beards
-Draeneis get the Eye Color Option as well as more jewelry colors “Yellow gems”
-as someone mentioned earlier, allow all races to share hairstyles.
-LF Draeneis getting new skin tones, Hair colors and having the Tail Length Option
-Mag’har orcs getting white skin and red eyes, also Dragonmaw Skin and eye colors
-Tauren, more Formanes and Hairstyles

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give worgen tails

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Hello, I am trained in fashion illustration and dressed maniquins for 10 years. I was one of the first to come on the forums and ask for a transmog system. Blizzard if you pay for my ticket and hotel stay to come and see you for a week I will hand you a complete system on how to customize all char’s along with a complete mix and match transmog system that will keep your player base glazed in happy moggit comma’s for the next 10 years.

You know my e-mail address, I can solve this for you. Your choice.


nightborne :
the options OP stated + this amazing arcane flow/infused hairstyle
and option to make the squinty eyes look

also for maghar orcs warpaints would be dope

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No. Hard No


Hard yes. Ok maybe not all the jewelry, do something unique there, but I know plenty of people that want blonde elves. You got blue eyes. We get blonde hair.


Still a no. Void elves shouldn’t have even been given the skin tones.


Upright worgen.
An actual black fur option and none of this blackish grey color.


i’d rather have a dark ranger class than it be a customization option, and it would be swell for humans (nathanos) and troll (shadow hunters) to have too


I suggested something similar and I really love this idea.

Different races could use some assets to put in their hair, tiaras, bones, whatever. Make it usable with most hair styles. Like the leaves of the Night Elves are.

Nightbornes, Gnomes and Pandaraen need more face options (not only them though).

War Paint for the Horde Pandaren would be nice and something more regal, perhaps jewelry for the Alliance Pandaren (or well more jewelry both should have some).
A Little Panda tale for the male Pandaren too.

Green skin for Trolls and a upright posture for them.
Longer ears for female Trolls and heck why not give most races different ear options?

Sailor tattoos for Kul’tirans

ToT like thunder / lightning blue color for Zandalari tattoos.

Facial scares for every race.

Gnomes could use beards with some mechanic elements as form of jewelry.

Draenei could use light crystals as accessory’s and they could use beards like the one Velen has.

There are a lot of things that can and should be done.