If Alliance gets Lightforged Undead then The Horde should get Exiled Humans

Your sources sound to me like, “no actual plans”.

But whatever, I don’t mind getting more races. I’m just saying I’m not holding my breath for it.

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No. >:[ Put humans on our side and the next thing you know, there’s ORCS in the alliance. No. Hell no.

What about orcs the self-identify as human?

Look at his history he is a known troll .now he is making new threads with a low level blood elf toon . Ignore him.he will die out himself

I could not agree more. First, the undead things is like VERY overplayed. Second, it just goes against the grain. You either died or you didn’t. Being undead seems a bane, not a blessing. If it were something desirable, why don’t we just all off ourselves and start unliving our unlives? It’s absurd.

Personally, I think it is a corruption of the natural cycle of life and death. Do we even know, canonically, whether the undead retains anything of the essence of the formerly living being? Or is this new creature a grotesque approximation, with the memories and none of the morality or authenticity that made this being what it was?

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We have spent over a decade talking about how raising people from the dead is bad, its a curse to be brought back into a decaying body after you had rightfully passed on and then turn around and the very people telling us that raise someone from the dead.

These writers just piss into the wind and wonder why they get wet.

Sadly, Jaina mentions her directly in the Alliance follow-up quest to the raid. Chances are they’re going to do something with her at least.

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There, thats what they should do.


Plot Twist: Lightborn (because variety) Undead will be an unlockable customization option for Undead. And Undead will gain Paladins by next expansion.

Maybe the reason Kul’Tirans don’t get the skinny model is because the Horde gets them via Ashvane…

You’re onto something here

Calia was a single solitary case.

She was revived using part of the life force of a Naaru, because Saa’ra believed her true destiny hadn’t been fulfilled yet, mostly because for some reason, Calia’s body hadn’t decomposed despite being dead for a while.

After being resurrected, Calia revealed she now believed, after witnessing what Sylvanas has done to her people, that her duty is to lead her people, the Forsaken. But that she’s not ready and must train.

That said, it’s entirely possible Lightforged Undead will arrive and join the Alliance later, led by Calia, who has found a way to Lightforge regular Forsaken, and will be the one to lead the charge against Sylvanas, eventually taking over leadership of the Forsaken, and thus lead us into the next expansion, where a faction shake-up occurs.

Lightforged and undead don’t mix up nor do forsaken.

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Do you REALLY want more humans polluting this game? Really?

No to the human thing, no to the squirrel people. If horde get any race it should be the snake people out in Vol’dun.

That’s the most fitting appearance wise. Lore I have no clue about that but the look of the snake people…awesome!

Leper Gnomes have already bent the knee, well at least Sylvanus thought they were bending the knee.

In Jeremy Feasel interview, it is directly and clearly said there’s more allied races planned.

Yes, hello, hi.

I am exiled human.