If Alliance gets Lightforged Undead then The Horde should get Exiled Humans

Forsaken aren’t that way by choice. Also, not all of them want to kill humans.

More like they were meant as a way to give new races without actually having to make any effort to come up with new character designs. Reskins take less time to make.

Ha sure horde can have the most boring race in the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

The current Warchief views undeath as a kindness, and if memory serves, once mused about making the race that spawned Arthas pay as a whole.

You could hear whatever you want to in those. What I hear is that they’re not planning on adding any more, but they’re not ruling it out (whatever that even means).

I don’t think we’re going to see new allied races for a while. I seem to recall ion saying that in a Q/A, but I don’t recall which.

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The horde wouldn’t accept Alterac humans. They’re a bunch of spineless cowards. We have more than enough of those right now, just look at baine.


I have sources for my claims, however, whereas you say “You think you heard”. We’ll have to see coming up soon anyway. We can speculate and jab back and forth all we want, however we’ll know for sure in the next patch content.

Regardless, I hope LF undead is not a real thing ever.

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Alteraci would probably join in an instant. They could write in a group of them that still exists outside the destroyed city proper.

Sweet, then I can bring my favorite Ally toon home.

Bloodily for the lightforged undead.

A wise blood elf. :scream:

I should put you in a dome and have people pay me to see you.

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At this point LF undead is inevitable, it’s more a question of ‘when’ not ‘if’. I’m thinking when they make Sylvanas a raid boss is the best timing.

That said- humans are the counter for orcs, not undead. Giving Horde humans would require orcs that go Alliance, and the only way I see that ever happening is if Yrel has an army of broken orcs she’s forced the light into, which is possible.

It would make more sense for Horde to get undead kaldorei- as it already has lore laid down for it.

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Worst! Ideia!! Ever!!!

Why would we want literally the most boring race on the horde?

Dont worry. Blizzard have been listening to the feedback on unlock requirements and scenarios for allied races.

Instead the. Lightforged forsaken will be purchased in the wow shop for 20$

They will also be excited to announce new customisation options can be earnt through store chaches purchased with a new currency “Tear drops” [WIP name]

These caches will each contain a random cutomisation option.

“Tear drops” can be earnt though ingame activities at a steady rate. For those who are impatient, bundles will be purchable though the store.

It’s already something in the game.

Can you put your old transmog back on? I liked it so much more.

You do not like my exotic attire?

Not enough room in that safe. Me’dan is still occupying it.

Blood Elf nipps are always hawt I guess.

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