If all races are playable, what would you be? (And Class)

Tortollan Ninja. (yes i grew up in the 80’s)


vulpera or saberon, druid/hunter/rogue

They tried this in WoD. Didn’t go over very well

Heh, here it’d be a Forest Troll Shaman, any Nerubian class possibility, a N’raqi Frostcaller, or a K’thir Tidesage!


Dryad Druid


Murloc Warloc

Murlock Warlock all day

Saberon Sun Zealot.

It’s like a deathknight or paladin, but with FIRE.


High Elf Archer (Hunter). I’ve wanted to be one ever since I saw the High Elves defending Quel’Thalas in Warcraft III, not including Sylvanas. This race stayed with the Alliance through and through, throughout all three Great Wars, and did not succum to the Fel, the Light, or the Void.


Whatever kind of troll Vol’jin is, because he sure doesn’t look like any Darkspear I’ve ever seen. Shadow Hunter, of course.

Murloc Bard, cos their singing must inspire something whether self eye gouging rage or taunting

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literally any allied race and DK. Because lore-wise its possible, but devs are lazy and dont want to code 55 allied races or lvl 20 deathknights =/

dark iron is geographically the same as dwarfs, who can be DKs. Kultirans and Zandalari isolated themselves the same time as Gilneans did.

for the rest of the races, I could swear there was a ‘there must always be a lich king’ thing and a Deathlord and Four Horsemen running around. Guess recruiting quotas bottomed out though.

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Race: Old God
Class: does it really matter




Silly Kaivax.

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I would be T-800 Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 Series 800 Version 2.4 Infiltration-Combat Unit Fury Warrior.

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The OP never said you had to pick an option that wasn’t already playable.

Blood Elf Priestess that specializes in void magic, that she uses to corrupt the Sunwell, and summon forth Old God Dvis

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Eredar Barbarian

You mean “never said you can’t pick”.

I was just giving Kaivax a poke since he stopped being our Pet Battle Forum dude (years ago) and we have this weekly RNG pet thing that keeps giving me an old UC snake.

On-topic: Gnome death hunter

With better animations a vrykul hunter . Or blood troll