Some sort of temp autobuff system for bone sheild so we can start grp pulls with the full armor buff instead of scrounging that first 3 to 5 secs of intial pull to hurry and grab aggro as well as get our armor/mitigation up. Like how bone shield used to be a self cast instead of bound to a melee attack.
for blood: the spec just feels a bit spammy. particularly in the heart strike area. sometimes it feels like when i’ve got full bone shield and everyones got blood plague im just belting out 5 or 6 heart strikes in a row, all of which feel kind of feckless and why bother other than the fact that i need the RP for deathstrike so i dont die lol. so if i could make a change there i would not mind if heart strike cost 2 runes and granted at least twice as much RP as it does now and dealt at least double its current damage (maybe even a bit more, even with the 30% heartstrike damage talent it still feels kind of limp). im not some high end raider/keypusher so i dont know if this would mess up some rotational feng shui and throw the whole spec out of whack with resource generation, but as it is, heart strike feels weak and like you have to press it half a dozen times to get anywhere. other than that i feel like blood has a good spread of cooldowns and utility. i wouldnt mind gorefiends grasp being baseline, i think a majority of players just skip that talent for more throughput/survivability.
also i can tell in a dungeon the dps players are getting antsy with my brisk walking speed compared to the constant leaping and charging of something like a warrior, demon hunter or monk. so a bit more out of combat speed just so players dont get bored as i trudge from pull to pull would be nice.
for frost: i would like to see power shifted outside of the cooldown windows. it feels like frost is a binary switch. in pillar or breath you are switched on, and then outside of them you are very much switched off. even being short cooldowns, it creates these noticeable gaps of just nothin happening and im really not a fan of specs being entirely reliant of their burst windows. but this might just be personal preference. oh, and having to cast remorseless winter AND death and decay AND howling blast to set up your aoe feels clunky. i think for frost you could probably just move the cleave buff onto remorseless winter and get rid of death and decay all together, the spec doesnt have any other talents or effects that interact with it unlike unholy and blood that both play off of it with defile mechanics or bloods crimson scourge and consecrate like defensive buffs.
for unholy: dark transformation? cool. apocalypse? awesome. abomination? you love to see it. unholy assault? absolute wet fart. basically no graphic, no gameplay, just a boring flat% damage bonus and a few purple zits. ZZZZZZZ. get rid of this talent and replace its position with gargoyle, and buff/rework gargoyle to be interesting and separate it out into a different node from doomed bidding so we can take both. more minions is more cool, thats what we’re here for, necromancy, disease, and bolts of necrotic energy. unholy assault feels like a 15 year old design, its a very boring ability.
on unholys rotation? again, like blood, it feels spammy. spamming scourge strikes, spamming death coils, both feel very weak, even fully talented and like you just have to constantly belt them out by the handful. scourge strike up to 2 runes, double damage and double RP generation, deathcoil double RP cost, double damage, and then increase runic corruption and doomed bidding durations or procs to compensate for the fewer deathcoils going out. a spender should feel like a big deal to press. if i’m playing arms warrior and i use a couple overpowers to ramp up a mortal strike you better believe that suckers popping a big yellow bold text number in the millions. but with scourge strike and death coil it feels like you’re spinning your wheels in the mud not going anywhere just to play the zit popping minigame.
oh yeah, and the zits. festering wounds play like old school combo points stored on the target and in this day and age of fast pulls and action targeting the zits feel like a relic. clunky, unintuitive, require an inordinate amount of setup for like…okay payoff, not even amazing, certainly not as good as a big rogue or feral finisher. if im in an aoe pull it can feel good to get off a big multi target zit pop but im having to spend like 6 runes and GCDs plus a defile just to do it. its just so much setup for something stored on the target which can change or die and the zits dont travel with you so often zit “investment” can be lost. its just annoying, and combined with the spammyness of the scourge strike and death coil attacks, it all makes the core unholy rotation waaaaaay more annoying than it needs to be. outbreak feels pretty good, it could just use a more flashy graphic. maybe you could alleviate the spammyness if scourge strike or sudden doomcoil also burst ALL festering wounds on the target instead of just 1. if im running pestilence and infected claws, i can often find myself overcapped on festering wounds just off sheer random procs and that i cant pop them fast enough with the limits of rune cooldowns and GCDs on scourge strikes having to spam 1 strike per 1 zit.
Bring back Necrotic Strike.
Wait, I’m on Cata/soon to be MoP. Nevermind boys!
You can already get some stacks at range so you arent going in without any armor.
i wanna be tanky again and return everything we lost going into legion
if I had one thing I could change, I would take mass grip out of the bdk spec tree and put it in place of abombs limb, and delete abombs from the game.
Why would you say something so bold, and so automatically correct.
Slappy hands is nothing but trouble.
Two Death Knight general tree capstone ideas I’ve been thinking of.
Abominations Appendage (passive)
-Your death knight grows an extra arm that gives them a 10% chance to auto attack twice. This chance is tripled for 2-handed weapons.
-The purpose of this capstone is to agument your DK to get more proc’s (sudden doom, killing machine, crimson scourge.) With a slight modification to help balance 2h vs dw for frost spec. And a bonus visual of your dk with an extra arm sprouting from their body.
Abominations Grapling Hook (passive)
-Your Death and Decay now pulls in targets up to 8 yards outside of it into the center. Limit one pull per target.
-Now your dnd can help group mobs in a dungeon. Combo this with grip of the dead for added benefit. Could also be used in pvp to pull someone behind a pillar into the open.
I would love to replace Abomination limb with one of the three below.
- Purgatory would help give a cheat death to Frost and Unholy, which I think would be neat.
- Superstrain would be a dps buff, but also help ease Unholy’s split focus problem.
- Army of the Dead. Army would just be a great class end cap.
Grappling hook sounds like a great PVP talent that they could implement. I would disagree with Appendage, I don’t know that buffing auto-attack damage is going to do much. Now, if you have a chance to duplicate your strikes (Death, Frost, Heart, etc.) now you have my attention.
If I had to design one, you could do two things. You could do a Spec dependent Presence. Cheating I know, or you could do a “Legacy of Bolvar” and give DKs a Reincarnate.
Hard to kill (purgatory) and hard to keep dead (self rez) is my thematic dream for dk. I agree they should be in main tree.
Right. If ANY class has a self res, it should be a DK. Perfect fit thematically.
Hurr durr, but it steals from shamans! Hurr durr hurr /sarcasm
Overhaul to the runeforging system.
Do you remember when Lust was Shaman only? Druids were the only battle rez? I came back after a long break and was flabbergasted that Hunters and Mages could pop Hero, and Pally’s could BR. (I don’t count warlock soulstone).
Im saying this, cause my other toon is a shaman and I know half of the shamans would get pissed that Reincarnate is no longer sole under them. Redundancy is good, and I do think BDK having access to a Reincarnate would be amazing for them.
I really liked the living armor talent from the Necrolords. I wouldnt mind seeing that return as a DK exclusive talent with adjustments to the visuals.
Though, a full-on self rez would be cool too.
in early legion alphas or betas frost dk had a self rez on the swords before they took it away
i do find it annoying we cant self rez still
I frankly don’t care if players of another class get angry that they’re not the super special little snowflakes anymore since theyre the only ones with some sort of ability.
If an ability fits a class and gives more opportunities for raid comps to have someone with a particular useful ability, then no reason not to I say. “Bring the player, not the class”
Let another class have Death Grip or AMZ or whatever. I don’t care.
Totally agree on your main point. Mages could put down an AMZ very much lore wise. Warlocks would be cool to have a Death Grip.
I also don’t think DG or AMZ is good enough to be called a raid buff, same as Reincarnate. They are part of your kit, but not a raid buff.
Do you mean warriors? Thats what it was designed for initially but ultimately went to DK’s. I dont know why a ranged class would want a grip.
Can be attached to their blueberry, or a soul tether they attach to the tank. Doesn’t have to function just like DKs.
I was just speaking thematically, not necessarily game play wise.
You could do it is a hunter trap too.