IDEA: recolored Brutosaur mount for "BFA timewalking"

:yum: :coffee:

New year, and time to think ahead as Legion timewalking draws to a close (/cry)

I was just thinking how a future “BFA timewalking” event might look like or roll out. I’m not sure what cool little mini-achievement they might attach to it (like the current “A Tour of Towers” one), but here is one possible way to do the rewards:

"A Towering Success"-equivalent
(the basic/“casual-level” reward)

  • some recolored BFA gear/transmog set like the current T20 recolors

"A Tour of Towers"-equivalent:
(the “mid-range” reward)

  • recolored Brutosaur mount with 2 empty passenger seats

"Tower Overwhelming"-equivalent:
(the “high-end” reward)

  • recolored Brutosaur mount… with the auction house turtle NPC included

This way, the “exclusiveness” of players that dumped 5 million gold into getting their long boi is still somewhat preserved, assuming the “high-end” achievement is difficult enough such that you really need to work for it/it’s not just handed to you.

Meanwhile, players that never got the original Brutosaur mount in BFA or simply couldn’t afford it now have a “path” to getting it (…assuming they put in the work/wipes). And casual players/mount-collectors can also get a cheap knockoff of the mount, minus the auction house NPC.


I can’t say I’m a fan of this idea.

The design of the Brutosaur is very novel. While I don’t have it as I stated end of October last year, it wouldn’t do players who do have it justice to recolour the mount. IMO It would suck and be unfair to them.


Let’s be honest… the main “draw” of the mount is the auction house NPC.

Some casuals getting an AH-less and recolored version of the mount probably wouldn’t change much… people will still “flock” to the original/green Brutosaur when they see it because everyone knows that’s the one with the built-in auction house.

There were multiple recolored models spotted via data mining back then.

Especially a beautiful white one.

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I certainly think your concept of those challenges are really good. It is just my opinion that we don’t reuse that particular mount type. It would cheapen the experience of a giant dinosaur with a purple/red or other colour of it.

I’d rather they increase the rate at which it appears within the BMAH to perhaps fortnightly.

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BTW here are the re-colors:

The Black and Sand one are also so, so, so good looking.

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I wouldn’t mind them bringing out recolors if they didn’t have the auction house on them for timewalking. If they had the original 5 mil gold value on them then I wouldn’t mind the auction house on them.

Oh, well, that’s even better then! :smiley:

If the recolors already exist buried in the game files, then it’s not even a lot of “work” for the devs to somehow tie the mount into a future BFA timewalking event.

They can simply take one of those recolors, copy-paste it over into the live/retail game, “tie” it to the relevant new achievement(s), and “done” :man_shrugging:

Copy-pasting existing files/content doesn’t sound all that complicated, I imagine even an underling/intern dev could do it

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It’s not a matter of “it’s easy”.

This development team THRIVES on hanging carrots.

Trust me, the models are there for “future feature content” and more dumb FOMO.

Sad, sad, world we live in.

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I’d rather have the Honeyback Hivemother as a mount option… give the horde a chance to sport a Bee mount for once.