Idea/Opinion: The hardest content should be for the thrill of the kill, nothing else

You are describing this as if it had/has no requirements to join. It does under the proposed system.

They tried that in the past with proving grounds for heroic dungeons. People… weren’t happy about it…

Again… Mythic bosses typically require organized raid groups weeks if not months to conquer the tier. That’s the same individuals meeting repeatedly working to improve. The number of people that would be able to perform these encounters in completely random non-organized environments is likely astronomically low. Hell… I’m a multi-CE player that attained CE on a one night a week schedule last tier, and even I’d be hard pressed to expect much from your system.

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WOD, and it was because they feared the WOD Heroics were like Cata’s.

They were wrong, and I found Heroic Dungeons to be easier with and without due to tuning allotted for now Mythic.

I think someone proposed something earlier, let me find it. Ah, here it is:

So your wish is to shunt mythic raiders to a difficulty that they’re supposed to do for its own sake, while changing things up so you yourself can have that sweet mythic loot. Finally the facade drops.


I don’t know why you saw that as a facade, the intention was clear as day since the OP.

This is a horrible idea that would bring no positive benefit to the game.

WoW already bends over backwards to let people not doing hard content get great gear.


Alternate gearing options are appreciated to me.

There is a massive difference between “desperately need server merges, an improved guild-finder system and/or improved community functionality” and “Mythic LFR.”

The former is about increasing our ability to network and form intact communities… The latter is asking for a randomized matchmaking system that just automatically places us with completely random players.

You are not asking for alternate gearing options. You are asking for gearing options to be removed, and your personal gearing option to be the only one.


Not at all.

Why would I want options removed? The WQ’s/Dailies/Emissaries/Battlegrounds/Dungeons/TF/WF are still there.

Gear is already a joke to get. And when you base a change off of:

it just shows you have no clue what you are talking about. Nothing is tuned around max TF limit + sockets.

WoW is not “Raid or Die”. This is the most casual WoW has ever been with its gearing process.


If that were true, why do 100-0’s exist?

The closest they got was CoS, which is why it was one of the hardest tiers ever released. We went in fully geared to the teeth and it still took top guilds 600+ pulls to clear.

Give me an example. And I am quite sure if you are getting 1 shot by a mechanic, its clear player error.

Legion dungeons had horrible unavoidable 1 shot mechanics once you got to even a medium level of m+. BFA doesn’t unless you play extremely bad.

Most mechanics from Operation: Mechagon.

I actually went in there, too many one-wipe disbands from those mechanics.

So its player error.

Operation Mechagon has extremely easy mechanics, but they are unforgiving.

If you are regularly getting 1 shot in Mechagon, then you need to learn how to play. I feel quite certain I have never got 1 shot in Operation Mechagon.


Thing is…

It wasn’t me getting oneshot. I’m usually the last to die during a wipe-in-progress.

Then the person getting 1 shot needs to learn how to play. Either way its easy avoidable damage that comes down to doing some extremely easy/basic maneuvering.


Lfd, lfr, normal/heroic/mythic/m+ dungeons, normal/heroic/mythic raids, casual bg’s, rated bg’s, arena, world quests, emissaries, world bosses, weekly quests, crafting, auction house and I’m probably forgetting a few. BfA practically dumps gear in your lap.


Yes. I am not saying remove those.

I am saying Mythic/M+ and Normal/Heroic/Mythic Raids need a means of entry provided you jump through a bunch of hoops.

I would have told them, but they all left at once without improvement.