I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

Ok, make a BM Monk or Prot Warror and get 24k in arenas then. Let me know how that goes.

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If it does, I’ve never seen it do that. How do you get Zen Flight to do 310%?

No, they shouldn’t. Just because a class can tank or heal shouldn’t mean that while in a dps spec, they should be penalized. THAT’S ridiculously bad design.

Please, for the love of Azeroth, stop with the homogenization. We went down that road. It was horrible. It led to the unpruning.

Deal with your class envy like a grownup.

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Bring the player, not the class was the very worst period of Wacraft history.

Mail armor smells bad

Not sure whether it really does or not. As far as I could tell it was supposed to be the same thing as Druid Travel Form and Travel Form will cap out at 40% if you’re in combat. If not when you shapeshift, then it caps out at actual mount speed.

I assume you mean 2.4k, and I’m quite certain there is or could be a comp for it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyYSS1VsvhE Venruki is showing Brewmaster Monk and some other Hunter here. I think it’s BM Hunter? Idk, but yeah, I’m certain that group could hit 2.4k with 2s.

Yeah, nerf druids!
But also nerf Monk who can get 50k+ in AOE
But also nerf Mages who can get 80k+ in AOE.
But also nerf Paladins who can 1 shot you in PvP.
But also nerf Warlocks who can get 40+ in AoE.
But also take away double jump+Glide from DH.
But also nerf bubbletaunt.
But also take away Torpedo and RoP.
But also nerf everything else.
So, yeah, nerf like the vast majority of OP specs in the game.
Bring them down to Outlaw level who can max 16k in AOE due to 5 hard target cap.
This post is salty as over-salted russian pickles.

No, it’s the hybrid tax, which if you’re going to have something that can do all of it, then it should not be capable of doing everything without being penalized. Yes, people don’t want to be penalized, but there is no point in having pure DPS specs if you don’t have hybrid tax to where the pure DPS specs that can’t heal or tank, also can’t do more damage or don’t do more damage.

In ARPGs where you’re mainly solo that’s one thing, but in an MMORPG where the entire point of the game is to have group play and everything is centered around it you should tax hybrids or just make every spec a hybrid. No reason to not penalize them.

Please, for the love of Azeroth stop with the specialization bull. You want to remain seperated, that’s what your design is for, not why you’re brought to a raid or anything of the sort or why you’re wanted in RBGs, raiding or in dungeons.

They need to stick to a philosophy and not be half assing like they keep trying to do with making only a few specs special because “flavor” says so and then not doing it to others.

Either give everyone a buff or something else to be a reason to bring them or do away with it entirely. There is no middle ground for this, you either give everyone things, or you give nobody things. In the case of the middle ground you have a ton of people being mad at certain specs for having something they do not have or being forced into bringing certain specs because of other design choices. A good example of this is PI. Everyone wants it, it’s a buff that only that person decides who to use it on, and everyone gets mad when it’s not on them. If they got rid of it or just made it into that character only like how most CDs are, it solves it entirely.

People get jelly and mad easily, and yes that’s on them but also it shouldn’t even be a thing for buffs like that to begin with. That’s a dumb design decision.

Well that was a good read.

Yeah we noticed. Why so salty?

The burden of proof my friend.

As I skim through this again, I wonder if you think they’re bad now because Moonkin seems to be godmode to me a year later.

Moonkin is not godmode.

Getting really sick and tired of people trashing my class. Especially to necro a year old thread to do it.

Why would making a new post change anything?

Love my boomy, yea mushrooms of death!

Personally I’d like for every class to be fun and enjoyable for everyone.


Well they aren’t. What do you think we should do about this?

Man, been a year since the thread started but kinda annoyed at Resto, they make the rest of the healers save Preservation kinda look bad.

This week especially, as Holy you are sweating out of your mind and hoping for every single Crit when you don’t have Wings available and having to use Light of the Martyr to heal while putting yourself in danger to Bursting and Grievous Wounds when there’s no enemies for you to reset Holy Shock on, meanwhile Druids are listening to their favorite playlists and singing along as they just HOT everyone and smile to the camera.

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Lower your expectations?

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Lol, thats probably the best course of action. I have been thinking i should go back to MOBAs for my pvp fix.

Just play wow for my adventuring fix.