I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

See you soon my friend, see you soon. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Most classes also don’t have specs that are so completely different from each other. Switching between Balance and Feral, for example, isn’t anything like switching between Fire and Frost. In a perfect world all of the specs would be completely viable. But having either Balance, Resto, or Guardian not be viable would disenfranchise some players in a way that having Beast Mastery or Subtlety not viable, for example, would not. I’ll admit that Druids as a whole have a really robust kit, but throwing around the word “broken” just shows that you aren’t trying to engage in a serious conversation.

And if you want to compare classes, Shamans in particular have a huuuge amount of utility that other classes lack, such as Heroism/Bloodlust, a minion that can off-tank, AOE ranged stuns, AOE slows, AOE fear breaks, good off-healing (for non-Resto), an interrupt on a very short cooldown, an instant and spammable single-target snare, along with the personal perks of a self-rez and good mobility. I’d say a well-played Shaman is every bit as valuable in a group as any Druid.

That DHs are better - correct.


If this is true, again I’ll ask, why do Shaman have 1 spec in the Top 15 specs for Arena-3s and Druids have 3?

I’ll leave it up to the readers as to who is being serious. Druids, defending Druids, is bias. I’m citing numbers.

How many classes can farm like druids? Have CC like Druids? Are as popular as Druids? You think this is just a preferenec on aesthics? Accusations that Monks flight form only goes 100% because Druids wanted to be unique is starting to sound more believeable. If this thread has shown me anything its that those who live inside the Gated Emerald Dream have no idea what life is like beyond the gates.

My biggest complaint with Druids is that I don’t see their owl form more often out in the world. I inwardly grin every time I see them, because they’re just freakin’ awesome lol…

More chickie wickies!!


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Agreed. Same.

On paper I think Druid is my favorite class in the game. I’m always a nature class or skin if I can find it, and between the owls, mushrooms, and tree form, Druids are amazing.

But in-game they read like an 8-year-old designing a superhero. They can do everything, and solve every problem, and they never die. They should either make two other classes a 4 9spec (don’t really care which) or split Druid in 2, and give those two classes a third spec.

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sorry, what…? My brain tried to grasp that and hurt itself in the attempt.

the 9 was a typo. I’ll use specifics as examples:

Option 1:
Give Monk and Paladin a 4th spec.

Option 2:
Feral/Guardian becomes a new class and it gets a new, third spec.
Resto/Moonkin becomes a new class and it gets a new, third spec.

Mmm, I can’t see blizz ever giving anything a 4th spec. Who knows, maybe, but highly skeptical…

I like your idea about splitting Druids into two classes, but I’d say limit each one to two specs. Plus, I just can’t see Blizz splitting the class and giving each one 3 specs. Something would have to give.

I do like that idea though.

Druid is the most neglected class in the game and very underpower. They need more buffs for sure. I don’t see why all of the hate. They have like no power, no utility and are very basic.

Specs like enhance shaman, survival hunter etc. Those need to be nerfed. Very OP!

If your beef is with Shaman viability (or lack thereof), then ask for Shaman buffs. I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with you. But I would also point out that arena 3’s is only a very small slice of the game. I would agree that Enhancement is lacking, but Resto and Elemental are both very strong in M+.

Yes they do

Hpal having good mana in pve got it nerfed in pvp
Hpal using CS in pve got it nerfed in pvp
Hpal pve venthyr got baseline damage of all hpal abilities nerfed in pvp even though no one runs venthyr in pvp

They do not nerf separately

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Not really. We can’t get out of fears or stuns (many classes can), Resto doesn’t have an interrupt (Shamans do), and Balance has a fairly long ramp-up time for damage (not counting Convoke the Spirits, which is technically borrowed power and requires a specific Covenant.)

That’s a pretty strong word there, bud.

Now I feel bad for simply sticking with the class that I chose as my first character like, 16 years ago.


being a druid is hard work, especially when I have to use my big nuke on people :cow:

You never seem to be able to answer for the data though. “Shamans can” ok then why are Druids rated so much higher in so many more rankings?

If you want to talk data, Elemental is beating Balance in M+ DPS rankings, and not by an insignificant amount.

Again, arena 3’s is not the only area of the game that counts.

Oh… and where is Feral in that list? Dead last.

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Cool, so one facet of the game yeah? If you’re arguing for mainly PvP, you got it right. One form of a druid, be it DPS spot, heals spot or tanking spot, will always be in the spotlight for every piece of content because they have 4 specs. You know what else is like that? Literally every other class has 1 good spec that is good in one form of content or another.

In this game with 36 specs there is no bad spec that is avoided at all costs for all facets of this game. Not a single spec, at all.

It’s because it breeds contention. People still look at classes as hybrids n such, and will always do this because multi role filling classes n specs should honestly be weaker than those who cannot do it. It quite literally isn’t a good design choice, at all, to be putting the ones who can do multiple things at the top above those who cannot. That’s bad design decision since those who are pure DPS cannot do the same thing as hybrids in the same manner.

They should just give every dps spec a healing CD where they do damage to the mobs and heal their party or raid for a % of damage they deal like how Shadow Priests have the Embrace CD.

If they did that then everyone’s fine and happy because everyone can heal the raid in one form/capacity or another.

People be jealous, as always, of druids. They think Druids get special treatment. Spoiler: they don’t. People just being clowns because they got nothing else to complain about.

Who cares, I’d like literally every class and spec to be trash next expansion. Maybe then we will get a WoW2 instead where they can update the engine, fix so many bugs still in the game that are in the wonderful code of spaghetti that exist because it’s trillions of lines of code right now to try and figure out where some bugs are and cannot actually fix it because nobody is insane enough to go looking through all of that.

Because Druids can tank, heal, DPS, and everyone seems to love to talk about classes as a whole and not specs. The Druid class has 4 specs, it’s almost a guarantee they’ll be at least decent in some form or fashion of content or another, but people love to talk about classes, again, missing the entire point that you should be talking spec design instead.

Also to note is this: Not a single Druid spec is fun to play, to a lot of people. They’re efficient, but they’re not fun to play. Yes, fun is subjective, but again you can talk to a lot of Druid mains and most will tell you their rotations and playstyles just aren’t fun. They’re boring and dull, to say the least.

Guardian has too little interaction and is so simple its mind numbing, though I love it because I can literally zone out and not give a hoot.

Restoration is the most fun of the 4 specs, though it’s still trash compared to playing a Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman, even a Discipline Priest is more interactive and fun. Monks are a lot more fun to play than Druids for healing, too. Also because most of your healing is all done through HoTs any good MW will simply steal it all or any good healer who knows what kind of damage is coming up will have you beat 9 times out of 10 because they’re all better burst healers. Druid has more sustained healing but because most fights aren’t sustained damage encounters, with the exception of very few in any raid, there isn’t as much. Do they do better HPS? They can, but it still takes far longer setup for them.

Balance: Rotation mind numbingly boring, system is bleh and half of your toolkit is spam 1 button until you fill the bar, spam another button to spend the bar, then use another button. All specs are like this to one extent or another, though, and it’s so boring seeing how the specs turn into this extremely terrible and boring spec design.

Feral: ST is ehh, multi target is ehh and again yet one of the most boring rotations outside of Moonkins 2 button rotation and Guardian’s 4 button spec play. Feral has one of the best forms, though, with Firekitty form so it’s entertaining to look at to say the least, and it’s fun to mirror that form over to other players, especially casters, and watch them casting as a Firekitty form.

They cannot do everything, not even close. Balance’s interrupt is 1 minute long, so unless it’s a 60 second long CD between them you’re 1 and done. You’re out of the rotation for the next 7 casts on average until you can get back up. Shamans have a 12 second interrupt for every spec, so they can get 5 interrupts to your 1. GL with that nonsense.

They do not take Mighty Bash in most scenariors, so they don’t have a stun in most scenariors as you’ll always want heart of the wild for everything non PvP related.

Druids, again, have an extremely boring playstyle and this is regarded in every spec of the class, not just 1 but all 4 of them have some of the most boring design choices and they do try to take advantage of Shapeshifting, but, it still fails so hard to be even fun and engaging.

What are you referring to, specifically, with farming?

CC for what? PvP, or just in general? You’re not going to CC in 95% or more of PvE content. You just aren’t. If you are, you’re simply bad or trolling. So 50% or more of their CC goes out the window here since it just isn’t used.

Well yeah, they’re the only class that can fulfill all roles so for those people who just enjoy the multi role facet, yeah I’ll give you that.

Sometimes, yeah.

Druid Flight Form actually doesn’t go beyond this?

I main a Warlock and a Druid since I love HoTs n DoTs over burst n other things.

If your focus is literally on only 3s and PvP, then maybe but there’s literally more to this game than just that. If that’s all you do then that’s all you do, but to that oh well. Sorry bruh, go play some PvE and you’ll see how dumb they can be.

Also when it comes to PvP, burst is better, always. For Balance just keep in mind about their Convoke and you’ll shut them down almost every time. Feral is bigger burst in PvP than Boomkins, and better overall than Balance. Balance just is easier to play because you have much higher armor than Feral and you have a 45-50 yard range to play with vs Feral’s melee. Feral also takes a lot more skill to be effective vs Balance, which is why Balance is a lot more popular.

Also, why does it matter so much when every spec can hit 2.4k rating, which is all that matters? Stop being jelly. Shamans are more fun to play and better overall than Druids, who are more boring to play.

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Druid Flight Form doesn’t go 310%?

Ah, sorry, I was unaware that my class was more fun. Cancel the thread.

It does, but the Monk disc thing does, too?

Yes, it is. Every spec is capable of going to 2.4k in arenas and in rbgs for pvp. Every spec is capable of completing up to at least 20, I’d even say a 24 or 25 and timing it. Every spec is capable of clearing mythic raiding.

You’re looking at the extremes of the extremes, and in that regard yes there will be winners and losers, it’s the very extreme of the extremes.

We don’t make decisions based on that. We make decisions based around the average player. Why? Because there’s far more people playing that aren’t in the top .00001% of the population playing to the extreme of the extreme of the extremes.

Not to mention I’d still rather them have every spec be trash if we go based off of extremes, that way WoW2 comes out instead.

We solved the case bois, time to crack open a brewsky.