I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

and you are deliberately picking the core of what I said apart to somehow make a claim that it’s fine for a class to be able to do anything it wants.

You can split hairs all you like, it doesn’t change the fact that Druids, at their core design, are broken.

You argue burst windows and downtime, things that change with gear and talent builds. I’m talking the core design. if you can’t grasp that, then perhaps you are getting into a discussion you don’t have experience in.

Because your argument and assertion are terrible.

They actually aren’t.

You can’t change class design with gear :man_facepalming:t3: Talents only change so much.

Damage profiles don’t change

You don’t even know the difference between a damage profile and a burst window.

I tried to be nice but you really don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

I am a mythic raider and arena player. You don’t play anything at a level to know what I’m saying.

Better than what exactly? Not fury.

Is performing better than feral. This isn’t news.

Fury> arms > feral in cleave fights.

Simming 1 target…

The guy I’ve been conversing with says that his feral friend with the same iLvL is simming 2k dps more than him.
I do not think this is the case unless his stats, trinkets and weapon are trash.

Druids are pretty awesome… If I had to recommend one class to a new player they would be it, no question. Just the ability to instantly fly and do… well, everything. I can only wish my main was one but I feel stuck with my Pally as when I do play I like to work on achievements.

When I’m tanking, the last healer I want is a druid healer.

I know they are OP when it comes to the different roles, and I’ve managed to get one up to mid-30s, otherwise I’m not too impressed by them.

No. What game are you playing?

What in the name of god are you talking about?

Druid: feral resto
Hunter: MM BM
Mage: Fire frost
Monk: wind walker
Priest: shadow disc holy
Paladin: ret holy
Rogue : sub sin outlaw
Shaman: Ele Resto
Warlock : Aff demo Destro
Warrior: arms

In reality every spec/class is glad viable. However the ones I just listed are the main specs played to high ratings.

Warrior and monk are the only classes with one spec listed.

Boomkins only have one spec to play for dps

Mages have 3

Warlocks have 3.

This isn’t a hard concept.

No it is a hard concept. Because Boomkin is a spec and Mage is a class.

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Upvote this!!! Swoop in and kill toons with Thunda in their name!!!

This is a threat of violence against me for an opinion.

It’s a hard concept for you clearly.

The point you clearly missed is that boomkins only have the option of one damage profile compared to mages that have the option of three damage profiles.

Boomkin. Is. A. Spec.
Mage. Is. A. Class.

The comparison is Boomkin to Fire


Against you personally, no… I hardly doubt in RL you are a toon named Thunda, but in a game which the very premises is to destroy the opposing faction… then I suppose so. I will swoop in with my new Thunderhawk spec and destroy alliance toons whose name start with Thunda!!!

I hope you can see the difference.

Yeah, you’re threatening me.

Well, I guess we will have to meet in the field of battle

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I will battle without honor or humility.

Fire is viable on more fights than boomkin is so it’s not a fair comparison.

Boomkin also isn’t as viable in arena as fire either.

But, I must wait until blizz gives druids the new Thnderhawk spec!

Shouldn’t be too long. Blizzard gives things to Druids like the US Government hands out corporate tax cuts.