I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

I know a shaman is not talking trash about druid…Especially on the healing side. You might wanna specify which you’re referring to because majority of wow healing has not been that great with druid and has next to 0 utility compared to shaman or pally, so you better be talking about boomy. Tanks have not been great majority either…

  • Resto druid in high mythic + is at a disadvantage over other healing classes.

  • Convoke was nerfed into the ground, but is fun to use with the ardenweald legendary.

  • Guardian is not top at all, and can sometimes be very difficult to heal over other classes. I think prot Paladin is top imo. The only benefit I find to them is the high health pools and the self healing / survivability tools.

  • feral druid was very weak the start of the expansion. I’m mot sure where it’s at now.

Balance is just fun to play overall. I play both resto and balance, and I’m not sure where all this hate is coming from. The whole asthetic of playing a druid is being able to shape shift into different animals of nature.

Being able to do tank/heals/damage is what makes them unique. Unless if you have an affinity talent for your desired spec, the forms are completely useless. I usually use guardian affinity as healer in pvp, because it helps out my survivability a lot. If a form is not part of your affinity talent, it’s pretty weak. They nerfed druid utility a long time ago.

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Sir, this is a Druid hate thread.

Mind as well put hunters and mages on the list since they never been in a bad place

Druids, Pallies, DH the favorite WoW classes

Do you have insider info on how classes are balanced in 9.2 already, or are you saying they should be nerfed in 9.2 because of how they’re balanced now?

I would be really careful with that. One side almost always has a clique group. I had to go through this exact scenario recently and we ended up disbanding. Neither side wanted a single discord, no one wanted to run dungeons with the new guys, and raid times didnt line up with a lot of schedules.

If both sides can comfortably come to an agreement then it should work out. But everyone needs to be involved.

Ultimately it was a pretty negative experience.

Its not really a merger, we have a group of about 10 people that are solid raiders, their raid times are the same as ours. Its actually the second time this tier we have done it so waiting to see how it goes.

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And I’d like people to stop ranting about High Elves, but it’ll never happen. :slight_smile:

They always have 1 spec, not 4

Balance Druids were trash in PvP from 2004 until 2014. Sounds to me that some people are just mad they aren’t free kills anymore.

To be clear, that was 8 years ago.

Feral is OP. Multiple 1800 ret/war teams couldn’t kill my 41k health feral Druid last night.

So what? The point is that Moonkins suffered for 10 long years being terrible in any kind of PvP setting. Now they’re in a much better spot, which I guess is enough to give some people conniption fits. Last I checked, there are plenty of other classes and specs that can blow people up if they unload a bunch of cooldowns at once. Hunters come to mind, along with Mages, Warriors, and a lot of others. Given the state of PvP today, I find it a bit puzzling to single out one particular class. The problems go deeper than that IMO.

Well, most classes don’t have 3 viable specs.

Druids do need pruned back quite a bit as a whole.
Having the ability to do whatever you want to do on a single toon is a game breaking issue at a design level. There is no downside to playing a Druid.
Sure, they aren’t the best at everything, all the time, but the issue still remains that their toolkit goes far beyond what other classes get.
Sure, pallies and monks can also heal,tank and dps. but can they stealth? Change forms to fly or swim instantly? NO
A rogue can stealth but they cant tank or heal.
A pally cant be ranged dps, nor can they battle rez.
A mage can range dps but cant heal or tank, but a druid can.
A priest can heal but cant tank or melee, but a druid can.

Everybody else has limits to their class at a design level, except Druids. If Blizzard was truly interested in class balance, Druids would need to be dismantled and rebuilt. The class is WAY outta hand.

Yet Druid dps is limited in both specs that do it. It means they only have the option of x or y.

Mages and rogues have xyz options.

Most have 2

Ummm no.
Druids have the option of melee or ranged damage.
Mages are ranged dps, period. no option to do otherwise.
Rogues are melee dps, no option to do otherwise.

Umm yes. What you’re not comprehending is damage profiles.

Yes and all three of their specs have different damage profiles. Frost is heavy cleave and aoe.

Frost is heavy burst windows with downtime

Arcane has smaller burst windows more often.

Each spec has different damage profiles that make it better or worse for each fight. That’s why mages consistently sit at the top while boomkins are strong one some bosses and lower on others.

Sub is very bursty

Sin is more sustained

Outlaw is more cleave.

You’re getting into a discussion you don’t have the experience in.