We didn’t get dwarves. Earthen are machines.
You got the alliance goblin variant: gnome.
The reason being that they want it. Which is as valid a reason as any request made for a video game but you could write a novel in reply that could simply be condensed down to “I/we/they want it. We want it yesterday because it’s 2024 and it should have happened in 2014.”
“It’s my OC” does not constitute a reason more valid than “I want my class to be top of meta” when it comes to silly requests. It doesn’t require breaking the rules in the game to make your OC. It requires your fellow RPers and yourself to, well, RP.
End of.
I’d wager that most gnomes are pink haired and under level 10.
That’s about the extent of most gnomage played…the annual run.
wrong. it was nightborne, being the horde-equivalent of night-elves.
now granted, we did get void elves, but that’s not the point here.
the point, is that horde got another race that uses alliance skeletons/models/rigging, and the alliance has yet to get another race that uses horde skeletons/models/rigging.
if we got a version of goblins for the alliance, it’d even it out.
i know horde players don’t want to give up their unique races, but i’m not asking for tauren, orcs, or undead, i’m just asking for goblins, a race that lorewise is supposed to be neutral to the faction war.
i mean, there’s even a goblin npc that’s allied to the alliance and married to a gnome, why can’t a group of other goblins join the boys in blue?
Reaching hard here. Very, very hard.
What rigging do Kul Tiran use? Basically the closest thing to a new rigging the game has ever seen and you are nit picking over a duplicate invisible thing when VE/BE are a thing?
“The point isn’t what the Alliance got, it’s what the Horde were handed down, second hand, in rigging and skeleton only.”
Gameplay be damned. My rigging doesn’t support my RP!
LMAO even.
Many races are supposed to have factions that are not involved in the faction war. That doesn’t mean I want to or expect to be able to play a human, who “lorewise” could be considered neutral to the faction war despite being the Alliance main character.
You’ve killed human and goblin pirates. That doesn’t mean they should be playable on both factions.
Tired of people trying to turn the Horde into an alliance sub faction. You want to play a goblin, roll Horde or go away.
Void elves?
Robotic Goblins for the Alliance it is then. They cannot mog anything except their shoulders and belt.
Their racial is “Kaboom” where they self-detonate. Your welcome.
Gilgoblins live in water, Vulpera live in no water.
Gilgoblins like shinies, Vulpera like shinies.
Gilgoblins were slaves to snake people, Vulpera were slaves to snake people.
The variant is gnomes
The horde doesn’t want goblins why would the alliance?
they already have two gnomes ad nobody likes the second version, and half the players hate the originals.
As soon as Horde gets an actual unaltered Alliance race with almost all the customizations available on Horde side like Alliance got with Void Elves I’ll be more on board with this but not until then.
I dunno about that. Maybe a neutral goblin choice. Like Gilgoblins, you know, the bluish fish like gilled ones. I want that!
Mmmmnnnnnno. No.
You have one “cool” race and that is worgen. Ride that high and don’t touch our gobbies. Bad enough alliance is probably getting something quasi-trollish with the uh the… harrowers or whatever they’re called.
no thanks, OP. leave the vile monsters to the horde. gnomes are smarter, have better tech, and are actually worthy of receiving paladin access in the future.
i’d rather advocate for a bi-faction derek proudmoore/nathanos-style undead option to bridge the faction gap for human/forsaken fans while simultaneously citing sir zeliek as justification for forsaken paladins.
Dont you mean Horde got a Gnome varition since GNomes were playable before GOblins
They want to play their race fantasy, which is a good argument. And neither the Blood, nor the Void Elves fulfill the fantasy. And I agree, it should have happened with Legion. Void Elves makes more sense as a hero class than anything else.
That’s no way to talk about the poor humans.
Technically, the first Alliance the Horde got were the Undead. The literal citizens of the kingdom that started the original Alliance, under King Terenas. But I know this isn’t about lore, but about character models.
I’d prefer they work on getting away from the rigid two-side tribalism, though. We’ve gone a long way, now with cross faction groups and such. Chromie time could even be changed to “You are going to experience the past to learn from it. Which side do you want to experience?” and let you choose a side simply for questing.
The only outlier is still world PvP, but that could be addressed too, eventually, if needed.
That way we could eventually get Goblins who are “technically” Horde, but can do everything they want with Alliance, including going into the cities as a visitor, not an invader.
Would be a weird one since horde helped them in BFA and alliance helped a group that was hostile towards gilblins.