I'd be pissed if i was Sylvanas and learn the "truth" about Shadowlands too

Maldraxxus is Forever Fighting. And you don’t seem to get a choice about whether or not you’re conscripted into the army.

Ardenweald…I don’t know enough about it, tbh. I’m sure there’s something wrong.

Yeah, but the lower class was presumably all ****heads in life, so it’s hard to feel a lot of sympathy.

how do people even transform into vampires, faes and skeletons. Kyrians have big ritual, but Dreka is oldest dead person since opening of dark portal and still has flesh (Even Vajsh have skeleton tail). Also no known “named” characters that ever transformed

Like… they are not supposed to transform and all mortal souls are actually stayed as fuel, while all those people except kyrians are natives.

The Venthyr have some ritual, a bit like Bastion’s. Maldraxxus has Scourgey ways of augmenting your body. You help a Sethrak become an abomination, for example, and Vashj began her afterlife as a Night Elf, but built herself a Naga body because she liked it better. The Sylvar, Vorkai, and Faeries of Ardenweald are the natives, and mortals that go there pick an animal shape for their soul to take, like the Covenant Ability.

From my understanding, it’s differing ways of shaping the anima of your soul. Though the Necrolords also incorporate physical body parts into the process.


We still have not a single named transformed character

Vashj. Her soul was a Night Elf. She made herself a Naga again. And technically Uther. Kyrians just look like Humans anyway.

Does it really makes sense? She was naga for ten THOUSAND years. And why night elf, why not a dark troll

I assume because she was born a Night Elf. But we also see Forsaken spirits that are Forsaken and not Human, so :man_shrugging:

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I’ve been preaching how we should raid Shadowlands back before it was cool; back when it was referred to it as “WoW Hell.” Sylvanas should be totally pissed, pissed that her soul was not made whole again and pissed that she got throwed into the maw.

If Sylvanas is the next OG to bite the dirt than she deserves nothing less than a happy ending fit for a WoW legend. If not I say bring on the living Sylvanas; the one that is free from a torn soul. It could be a win-win-win situation, fans can’t possible get enough of Sylvanas, she is beloved by Blizzard staff, and she’s of High Elf decent to boot.

I’m patiently waiting for Sylvanas next chapter because I think its going to be even better than everything we’ve seen so far.

If we are going with the Sylvanas split into two there’s a chance Blizzard won’t reunite the two halves but kill the Evil one and use Good Anima(not the Revendreth or Maw Sin Anima) to repair the Good half’s Soul.

I’m not sure what they are going with but one thing they are aiming for is character development and showing a new side of her.

I’m sitting here like :popcorn: :popcorn: show me something new, please illuminate me, and give me more to think about Steve! lol