Icecrown Loremaster

I’m at 10/11 chapters, but somehow don’t have the very first one Crusader Bridenbrad going. Pls help so I can complete it!

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Have you completed all of the quests at the Vangaurd? One of those is a pre-req.

Also, make sure you haven’t started the chain at some point. The questline sends you to other zones.

The pair of addons, Wholly and Grail, can be helpful when doing Loremaster achievements.

I’m having the same issue as of January 2021, I’ve flown all over icecrown and have trivial quests tracking and cant find any quests that arent daily quests. have you figured this out?

Be careful with tracking trivial quests. The blue exclamation marks take precedence over the yellow ones, so chances are one of the NPCs you’ve been logically ignoring actually has dailies AND a normal quest on offer.