We understand the mood swings of floozie elves.
We helped you get the Sunwell back, time to pay up!
We understand the mood swings of floozie elves.
We helped you get the Sunwell back, time to pay up!
Apology accepted, I suppose?
The living draenei or the road draenei?
uhhh…WHAT IS THIS? i just woke back up from laying down and NOOOOOO! and WHY ARE THERE FRENCH FRIES in a specific part of my mousepad?
You should learn the lore about what the orcs did to us draenei.
i did and you were asking for it.
no more word on bread elves? has that idea been bagged?
Such a shame that content is toast. it could literally have been “the greatest thing since…”
stuffed draenei. OMG WHAT garbage did i spew in this thread about you female hussies?