I wont say anything nice or bother you any more

Why do you need a group for superbloom? Just show up. Haven’t yet had an empty server, always a dozen people participating.


i admit it i took it.

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The new WB for some reason you had to type his name in to find group. Couldn’t use group finder icon that normally has that content, so I gave up and did the dragon riding race nearby. As I was flying by, I get credit for the kill and only got flight stones and dragon supplies. 2 things I really have no need of.

That’s weird, the button worked fine for me…

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all my characters got cloaks in that zone with all the weeklies

For some weird reason quests I am on in the campaign are not showing in my log even though I am physically doing them. An example I just accepted Echo of the Firelands, and it isn’t showing I’m on the quest, but I can hover over the mob I need to kill and see he is the target.

Somebody, dont know who, was watching me with presentmon.exe, I hope it was you Chuck and not AMD or Cyberpower or somebody , cause NOW elf land isn’t going to get any screen time anymore. Good job winning!

I got a cloak from the bloom too. And a cloak from fyrakk. And a cloak from LFR. I settled on the last one but damn, at least I didn’t suffer alone.

Somehow I will manage, at least I didn’t get the same slots as last week because that has happened before as well. And you don’t need a group for bloom, you just need to show up. This early in the week especially, people are doing the weekly and getting to 8k happened just before the final primalist assault.

Dear OP,

Don’t take the snark you’re receiving too badly. Empathy and patience is always in short supply on the internet, because…as Live so succinctly put it…everyone “needs aspirin for their pain”.

The only suggestion I can offer is, about ten minutes or so before the top of the hour, search the ‘custom’ section of lfg for ‘Superbloom’ groups. If there isn’t one, start one yourself.

I think OP doesn’t want to manually search and type out “superbloom” in the group finder because it’s too much work to do that. They just want an automatic button

So instead they come to the forums and type out a forum post to complain about having to manually type “Superbloom” while also sprinkling in a little bad rng complaint.

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And yet, many events do display a ‘search for group’ button, and asking for improvement of life features shouldn’t be a crime.

Dang I also got a cloak from Superbloom. Then I got 2 belts from a Suffusion camp too. Guess I’m not preferred or liked.

You can take the zepplin at any level, and my 60 priest was able to take the Emerald Dream portal in valdrakken, so lower level characters might be able to too

You mean like the little eye? You know you can make a group for anything in the game, right? There’s probably people running groups for superblooms every single one of them.

If you’ve given them any money whatsoever, you are a preferred, liked customer.

No bothers here. I don’t even know who you are. Judging from your post count, you don’t come here super often anyway.

In this economy, you ain’t gonna get much. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

You need more blessings by the wow gods.

I got a perfect belt itemized from the new world boss on this guy last night.

Must be because I’m a sexy augmentation evoker that is sanctioned by the gods to bless the best DPS with my power.

Your very welcome. And thank you.

What does this improve? Superblooms are always populated, and likely always will be due to how many mounts and pets come from the seeds, and Superbloom gives a ton of dewdrops for seeds. It also gives weekly gear, so this early on people are going to be running it for upgrades

the quests with the buttons aren’t always populated, so they need a group.

It’s not. But whining on the forums over loot is hilarious.

You’re not wrong, but I’m just a little tired of seeing EVERY ‘request’ post…whether reasonably made or not…receive multiple replies with a demeanor of contempt. Pretty much every attempt to suggest an improvement is met with derision, and often ad hominem. It’s not a little ironic that they are replying to so-called ‘complaint posts’…with a complaint about their alleged ‘whining’.

It would be one thing if they were giving feedback or suggesting a QOL feature.

But when people like OP get dramatic and toss in how they are quitting and going to spend their money elsewhere the message gets lost and people just focus on the dramatic part.

It’s like “hey here’s a great feature/improvement I think people would like, and if it’s not implemented then I’m quitting”

No one is gonna care about the first part, their just going to focus on the latter.