I won savage gladiator chain as a tank

I thought ret pre-bis was a wheelchair and a hat with a propeller on top.


Same… Less he stated he wanted it… Then again I wouldn’t join a group with a lolret. Prots fine and holy because they can work. Holy more so.

The reason I brought it up was because I believe a healer in my guild received the item, and didn’t understand why they would keep using Omicast boots over it. That said, I wasn’t there, and will concede I don’t know enough to confirm one way or another whether it’s currently available.

That said, any idea why Ogreforge isn’t listed on any of Wowhead’s lists as an Optional for the relevant classes when it’s outright better than Deathdealer for any mana user (and even Warriors, from the stam alone)?

Nope, I don’t care much for BiS lists because like you said, they don’t take into consideration stamina or other valuable stats. The item could be 1 strength higher and 20 stam lower and they’ll still tell you to use the item with 1 more strength.

A little common sense goes a long ways when gearing a character.

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Tanks always roll on DPS gear. That’s why they are there. DPS just have to deal with it if they want tanks.


Wait ret pala’s are tank now? Please, they’re not even a viable class. OP says he wants to pvp, when is that again?

Lesson learned, don’t take warrior dps in your group. That’s what warrior tanks do, they build the group so they don’t have any competition for their gear.


Likewise, if you’re a plate DPS class and don’t want the tank taking your gear, invite a druid tank.

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Don’t let the hunters hear you, they may blacklist you from tanking for them!!!

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ret lmfao. total blacklist material


If they didn’t reserve the gear, they don’t get to whine about it.

boss is 1 out of 6 to spawn
his chest is 1 out of 5 items he drops

Res’ing is warranted for this. They’re bad.

Hmmm…odd, seeing the title i expected to come in and a thread about someone who was tanking celebrating a greed roll win for an off spec item…instead its a thread about a loladin rolling need against someone elses main spec.

I only have one question OP, seeing as you went in to tank, did any tank loot drop that was greed rolled by others and thus passed to you for your dungeon role ?

Paladins can’t tank raids. What do you imagine he’s doing…just tanking BRD for fun?

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The warrior should’ve asked you what you were rolling on. I always ask hybrid tanks what they’re rolling on and just leave grp if I’m unhappy about it.

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Some raids have paladin tanks for some stuff but they’re an ultra meme spec. Also he’s lvl 55 and lots of paladins level in prot spec.

Well the first problem is:

You rolled alliance. QQ.

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In classic the assumption someone willing to heal or tank is only there for tank gear is a bad assumption.

Assume every tank and healer is there for DPS gear. If they don’t roll on it consider yourself lucky.


That chest gonna be best for a ret by a stretch. There is no decent spell power gear until tier 2. You think Esfand is using Plate of the Shaman King?


Are you s***ing me? You gotta be s***ting me. If, as a Prot Tank, you need that to generate threat, just delete your s*** and go.

Seriously… just L o L.

If Fury Warrior… sure… roll um up. But PROT? Just wtf lol.


The savage glad chain is much, much better for a ret than ogre forged hauberk. It isn’t remotely close.