I wish blizz could balance 2H and DW

It’s not really that hard. A small buff in [Might of the Frozen Wastes] would do the job.
Just let me play a 2h x.x

Also, we need a glyph for Death’s Due (the night fae Death and Decay)

It’s stuff so easy to do…


Just make it a transmog option and we can all move on with our lives. Saves Blizz a ton of time/resources too as they don’t have to constantly try to balance them.

Do the same thing with fury, 2H enhance, etc. Just do it already. Unless they’re saving it for a rainy day or future anniversary “reward,”



Just add Fallen Crusader to MotFW and buff obliterate damage accordingly. Not hard. I like that 2h obliterates hit harder.


Should have been a transmog option expansions ago. Then you have those that are against it and want to further the issue.

Make it a transmog option and move on.


Ya I like 2h frost because it feels more like old school Arms than Arms does now.

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They are balanced. 2h has less KM procs, but does more dam with them, and DW has more procs and frost strike dam, but does less oblit dam with said procs. There is a point in an expansion where you have enough crit to justify swapping 2h for the extra dam, rather than wanting more procs.

In s1 right now, where crit numbers really aren’t high at all, DW is the play. When Crit is spiked through the roof and 2h has enough rotational KMs to exist without having their thumb permanently lodged up their behind while out of cooldowns, 2h will be dominant. 2h already bursts harder than DW when both are in pillar, but 2h can’t currently reliably trigger all of its Long Winter procs, nor does it provide enough KM procs. This changes as gear advances and we start to hit crit and mastery softcaps, and Haste starts to matter more.

Here we go again:
The primary tuning that is needed is changing the MotFW buff to instead give an auto attack speed buff that gives 2H parity with DW’s number of auto-attacks, and the ability to pick a second Runeforge.

With that 2H will be on equal footing with DW, have the same dynamic playstyle, be able to use all the same builds, and we won’t have to have this discussion on a weekly basis.

Anything else would be as dumb as the devs implementing the current version of MotFW in the first place.



Might of the Frozen Wastes
Increases Auto-Attack Speed while wielding a Two-Handed weapon by 100% and Allows you to apply a second effect from Runeforging to your Two-Handed Weapons.


They aren’t balanced. More auto attacks and this auto attack crits means more IDT procs. Don’t know why you leave that aspect out all the time but it’s better for DW and is quite a lot of damage.

All that 2h has is increased Obliterate damage.

Also, if people are trying to change 2h into DW just get rid of 2h which would fix the loot issues and just make 2h a transmog option. 2h attack speed would need to be more than doubled because 1h weapons don’t have a 3.6sec swing timer. A 2.6 swing timer with 2 weapons is like a 1.3 second swing timer. 2h would be a 1.8 second swing timer. While closer is not equal and if there is ANY disparity people will complain about it.

A transmog option would have solved everything.

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Essentially yes.
The AA buff would need to be higher than 100% though and account for haste. A very doable math problem on Blizzard’s side.

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This is the only real way to balance it.


The loud forum minority didn’t want that because if you are going to make 2h play exactly like DW what is the point of adding it as an option instead of just making it a transmog option?

The people that harassed Holinka on Twitter got what they wanted and it did a lot of damage to the spec to the point where people fled the spec.

When Frost came out as a DPS spec it was 2H, for as long as I can remember it was 2H (you could DW but it was inferior) until Legion…then Legion forced DW, then we got both back and DF was a weird thing where it was better to 2H and now we’re back to DW…

Frost DK will always be 2H, in fact DK should always be 2H across the board, Fury warrior should go 1H DW. Survival Hunters should have the option between 2H and DW 1H.

The list goes on and on…


Ok, keep telling yourself that.

Everything you just said has been debunked to the point that if you are repeating it you are a troll.

I think the easy way to balance it is just get rid of 2h frost lol.

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If you took all three levels of Threat it became quite the viable option for frost DPS, often times running higher damage as long as the person knew what they were doing. The breath build I think is what truly shot it out of the water in comparison between the two, and our ever increasing reliance on auto attack procs.

I bet we have far more of those than any other class or spec in the game.

During Wrath - and classic Wrath - the best builds were all DW until Shadowmourne. And for Frost specifically, after Wrath, DW eclipsed 2h in just about every tier.

2h Frost doesn’t work well because you can’t have a weapon with 40% slower swing speed being equal to DW when there’s auto based procs, and this applies to any spec that has 2h & DW. If Ret could suddenly DW you’d be seeing the same problem.

It appears you’ve clicked the wrong link; this isn’t the Classic forum friend.

Frost didn’t even go 2h with SM. Not a single top end Frost player was using SM.

Not to mention that people still don’t understand that in Wrath DW hit harder than a 2h weapon. So not only did DW get more procs it also hit harder even with Obliterate.

2 - 2.6 speed weapons = a single 3.6 weapon in terms of the damage number prior to Nerves of Cold Steel. So the HM did 75% of the strike and the offhand did the other 25%. Add in the extra offhand damage increase from Nerves of Cold Steel and DW blew 2h Frost out of the water.

There was 0 reason to play 2h Frost all the way until Highmaul where it was on par because it kind of double dipped MotFW.

It’s not like we didn’t have Wrath Classic and now Cata Classic to check these things out again.

you could say the same thing about unholy though although for weird weapon speed translations with gargoyle. Wrath is a very weird xpac to make claims about what a spec should or shouldn’t look like

2h frost was the play for pvp in both wrath and cata

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Ret is a good example, because they rely on AA to proc Blade of Justice which is essential to their kit like KM. Ret has almost always had an AA increase talent/passive to support this, which is yet another reason why 2H Frost should get one too along with access to a second runeforge.