I will pay for anything as long as it's not boosts or faction/race/name changes

We both know you are going to race change to a blood elf as soon as it becomes available. Who are you trying to fool here OP? :grin:

Dear blizzard, I’ll buy all the stuff OP wants AND the stuff he doesn’t.

Lol, oh no Blizzard look out. Talk about empty threats.

Also saying “anything” is pointless forum extremists drama. If boosts are causing you this issue then token or any number of things would have gotten you just as worked up or more.

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I’m a care bear because blizzard wants to put retail trash into classic wow and I have a problem with it. Cool.

raf ~ boost

spectral tiger promo mount~ warpstalker promo mount

What they’re doing is in line with tbc. You have no ground to stand on, as you cling to an unfounded slippery slope fallacy.

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No it’s like the same 10 people and their alts or 2nd accounts posting against the boost. I know far more players in game that want the boost than there are naysayers on the forums.

Guess what? Either of what I said or what you said is nothing but hyperbole and in no way can we back it up with facts.

RAF was in TBC. RAF is actually better than a level 58 boost because it effects your character all the way to 70 whereas the boost drops you at 58 and that’s it.

You’re arguing over something that was similar to what TBC had.

faction change I get. boost is just for ppl to get into the TBC content without having to grind it out. Race change, within faction is essential for TBC launch (since racials are changing). I think they should offer a boost and a race change only at the very start.

Its not madness to want a race change when the entire dynamics of why you picked the race you did are now heavily changing.

dam are you getting payed to keep trolling on all the fresh server posts?

Are people getting paid to constantly make fresh server posts? Why do you people deserve your own server. All you do is whine here.

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“I have a problem with that”

There is your first issue. You have a major problem with a video game and the problem doesn’t even affect you.

It’s probably a proven money maker. Nothing any forum poster says will change us getting boosts.

They are monetizing classic.

what? anyone can play on those servers, it’s just another option.

Anyone can play on the servers now. Why do you deserve your own refresh as the tiny tiny minority? Better yet, is there a reason you haven’t joined one of the rerolling trains that relv on a dead server?

Multiple choices but still you demand blizzard make one just for you.

Doesn’t Blizzard offer Role playing servers?
Just make those requirements for your guild.
I remember one that you had to have approval on how your toon looked.
Also your name had to be approved and the story about your toon.
You could not use AH until you were at a certain level.
You were a farmer for the guild.
You did everything for the guild.
But the rewards for farming for the guild.
Was all bags, gear and first mount was paid for by the guild.
So go back to your RP server and have your rules and have your fun but I will see you in TBC.

This is for anyone who might enjoy a fresh start towards a new expansion, blizzard did it 2007, they can do it now too.

ok, reroll a character and level. What’s so hard?

Oh, right, we need the ENTIRE server to do it so you feel ok about it :slight_smile:

They’ve somehow came out and said “well, I know you thought classic was going to stay classic but, it’s not so”

I get paid with Hearts.

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Oh no, what a nightmare. We may see improvements to things people wanted improvements on that were gonna be added inevitably, oh no.