I will not test your layering blizzard

So, baby want invite, baby want now!


yet is the most popular beta in WoW’s history, with every major wow streamer hitting 100k+ active viewer peaks and their streams sometimes trending as #1 on twitch, overtaking all the other streamers for other games… also individuals such as asmondgold growing his twitch subscriber count to over 13000 (which after Twitch’s 50% cut, that translates to well over $30,000 in revenue he’ll be depositing in his bank for this month alone).

Quit being a naive little child… as for the rest of us, let’s hit these servers hard! 1 hour to go. See you all there! let’s try to crash this b**ch, so we can ensure Blizzard has all the data they need to make sure that the next stages of beta and the real launch can go without a hitch.

Also this stress test is to help Blizzard probably determine just how many additional players they can invite to the next stage of beta. i.e. if the servers crash with 30,000 people but were fine with 20,000 people, then they’ll know they can safely send out 20,000 more beta keys with no worries of the experience.

So by not supporting the stress tests, you’re only doing yourself a great disservice by limiting your chance at the possibility of a beta invite, and also not letting blizzard test how Server modifications and builds perform under stress, so they can fine tune them and have them ready and running optimally for the official launch.

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get ready for classic wow day 1 crash.if they wont let more people in and millions play it it will gp down.

No one backs Baby in to a corner!

that is why they are going to see if they need more people to test the stress of the servers so they can upgrade them so it wont crash that is why they will reevaluate the need to invite more people.

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Servers are servers. They can handle it. The only difference is the game client

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There are more stress tests scheduled in the future.

Yup betas runs in phases and they need to test the impact of more players, thats to bad some don’t understand that, hey ill take their biscuit if they don’t want it.

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i will to i mean hey when they do invite more people for the beta there will be more biscuits for the people who were offered to have some.

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Beta isn’t a right, some people get invites some don’t stuff happens we will all get to play come August. Throwing a fit like a child because you can’t play the beta isn’t going to win you any points anywhere. It just makes you look like a spoiled brat

Another one of these threads.

Literally just crying to cry like a child.

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i did not get invited to the beta and i acted calm and now i got invited to the stress test and i do not mind that i only get to play till 6 pm pdt the next day. how i acted to this was to not go on the forums and be upset about it.

right here is a good example what that blue post was trying to say

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Don’t forget to untick the opt-in button so that you’re taken off the list for the next stress test.


Plus I don’t know about you guys, but classic is no joke when it comes to leveling, so say if we had Stress that goes to lvl 60 and then a beta invite comes along and you need to lvl to 60 again, by time aug 27th comes around, Id be plum tuckered out .lol

Banjo on my knee :slight_smile:

So a little taste right now i guess better then none, plus it helps in testing for a positive live game experience.

You want a 2 week stress test? That would be a bit of overkill.

That was just a example… and No

I wouldn’t complain though, not gonna lie.

How do I post a video to play at a certain point during the video?

Youtube: Pause at that time, right click for a link at current time, and post that.
Twitch: Make a clip

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