I will miss Korraks Revenge

I would chalk this up to the holidays and more of the better alliance playing eBGs. It’s similar to weekends when alliance also seem to do a bit better. I’ve seen a few claims that alliance do well during the “day time,” but I haven’t seen actual stats (and corresponding time of day data) to back up those claims.

Cap all the gys as Horde and defend them. Alliance will all start spawning at Dun Baldar and it will be 100% PvP for an hour or two.


It was a great event that caused me to get about 5 million 120 alts. But I can totally understand keeping it limited, and there is no way they would ever allow the big XP bonuses to continue into Shadowlands or even the new leveling system for older content.

That’s when Horde spawns the icyboi and makes my dreams come true


Garbage map, garbage mode. Can stack items that break your level 60 restriction and has a horde favored layout.

Only perk - level 110-120 in about 2 hours even with 0 wins. So at least there’s that.

I mean the lvl 70 cloth set bonuses are super broken in this event, letting mages and warlocks destroy people stacking up huge KBs. Spellfire and whatever the other set is called.

If it stuck around some of the ways to twink it need to be restricted. Also it’s annoying as Alliance that the horde essentially gets a headstart from thier cave positioning.

I don’t expect this event to stick around for reasons such at these.

i can not see blizz keeping a bg around that you can lvl characters extremely fast like it is with this event, they do everything possible to slow us down, this will end.

I miss strand of the ancients… no hate plz


I just posted this about an excellent Korrak’s game we had. Worth a read for anyone that likes AV.

Dont worry I miss it too :confused:

Yes? I’ve won this the last three times I’ve played it. One ended up being a weird turtle where it was down to a resources battle because someone capped FWGY and screwed everything up.

I have done it on both sides since it started, and I notice it is now much harder for Alliance.

They increased the number of mobs in the Horde base, gave more stealth detection. Even some that don’t have stealth detection can sense a stealthie through a wall. They increased the aggro radius on land mines so you could no longer get close enough to disable them, and then they removed their interactivity so they could no longer be disabled at all.

I don’t see comparable changes in the Alliance base.

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