I Will Gladly Give Up A Raid Tier for Player Housing

Though, I personally agree with this, I’m pretty sure this is one of the many mistakes Wildstar made. They put a ton of work into their shop, housing, and a new zone, but it didn’t matter. By the time it came out, most players were already gone. A large portion of mmo players are raiders and want nothing else, so you have to keep them happy or the game will fall apart.

thats nice.
i will gladly not give up a raid tier for player housing.

Absolutely NO. Omg!

If it’s that important to you why are you not playing FF14 instead of wow?

There are products that cater to your playstyle.

No reason to gut the core of a good game for some fringe interests. Why not eliminate all the quests in favor of an extra dungeon; equally silly.

You’re DEFINITELY going to freak out when there’s a 1-year content drought in the middle of an expansion.

“We dont want to PAY devs to do that”

Would rather do that than push progression that becomes immediately obsolete and forgotten a few months later. Tired of the game being some seasonal ARPG in every aspect.

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Literally sounds more fun than getting high blood pressure pushing mythics or raids for very little results.


And I would gladly give up all raiding, and group content to keep housing out of the game until we get a dev team with the talent and skill to do it right.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Whoo boy thats a long haul.


Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

I get we all want player housing. Many MMORPGs have player housing in them. ESO probably in my opinion has the best example of player housing. The thing that sets those games apart is they created a way for players to craft their own furniture for their housing. Blizzard unless they are planning on introducing a Carpentry or furniture profession in the game. Players will have a house in-game but no way of making it feel like their own. I for one would love for them to do that as a profession so I could make a dark iron dwarf house.

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Meh, if I wanted to play sims, I’d go play sims.
Raid tier was for garrisons. Now envision the amount more they’d need to do 'cause we all know other yuppies are gonna complain. You’d effectively need to give up more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I refuse to believe a company sitting on $9 BILLION IN CASH has to sacrifice any element of this game for another.

TBH I’d be happy if they just stopped designing the game around raid tiers in general. Add raids, but stop making everything else revolve around them.

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To be fair, it is a BS excuse that gives them an excuse for why they didn’t add it. They said it would have to be a multi expansion content but some how think it would cost the development time of a single raid tier from a single expansion? Sorry but I can smell the BS all the way down here in Orlando.

Just hire another team, it’s not like you are not making a couple million a month in sub fees alone. What they made something like 8 billion last year in profits. I would be willing to give up one raid tier but on the condition that if it’s not absolutely the best thing they have created in years. Which is have my doubts they could pull off and in the end we would just end up with Garrisons 2.0

There’s already furniture toys one can place on the ground and sit on. Having a tab with “housing toys” which write coords to a database when used isn’t rocket surgery. As for moving them later, most games with housing or building call the placement function again and mark the original object for destruction on success.

I mean, yeah, duh? Let’s see, one raid tier of the same thing we’ve seen since 2004, OR a brand new system that lets millions of players work on something long-term that most other MMOs have? Idk what kind of brainiac you have to be to think that’s not a worthy tradeoff.

Blizzard is only one slice of that pie, and creative projects, even with unlimited budgets, will always be bottlenecked by the availability of talented people to do the work. Some things cannot just be fixed by just throwing money at the problem.

On top of that, it’s not the people at Blizzard making the big budget decisions, that’s really happening at the levels far above Ion, above even Ybarra.

How about we delay the expansion for another 6-7 months and get a good foundation for player housing

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Let’s stop making excuses for this, okay?

Blizzard has been hemming and hawing and “gosh, that’d sure be nice…” about player housing for the better part of 20 years. In those 20 years (more like a span of 10 of those 20 years), Blizzard managed to convince those upper managers to go from supporting 1 active franchise to 6. The suits have not shown hesitation to throw money at Blizzard when Blizzard has convinced them that there was money to be made.