I Will Gladly Give Up A Raid Tier for Player Housing

If that was the case, then I am really surprised that basically every other mmos is wasting their resources on housing

can’t handle, or not build in?

That feels like a more reasonable reason to me. We have no idea how much programming would be required to upgrade their engine to actually be able to support this

i would too since you can just buy runs

We know they can do things with slots in pre-determined places that can have you choose from a limited menu of items.

Garrison decorations were an example of this. We’ve also seen them use the “slots” technology in the garrison archaeology museum, and the Archivists’ treasury in Korthia.

But placing items free-form just isn’t something they’ve ever shown the game can do. Even the “hook points” in our garrisons with the holiday decorations didn’t let you put any decoration in any location.

Ew no thank you very much

Yes, but only a fraction of those who want one. The supply is limited and many places are full.

Hot take:
If you want player housing, maybe find a game that has it and play that.

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As opposed to the nobody in WoW that has a house. Good logic. The “FFXIV Housing Crisis” should tell you all you need to know about how popular the feature is and where Blizzard should be allocating resources.

I never said I don’t want housing. Just the opposite.

I don’t want the terrible system FFXIV did. Lot’s of stuff worth stealing from FFXIV. The housing system is absolutely not one of them.

Myself, I’d like to see them start with condos in the main cities. everyone gets one. Up somewhere so you can land on the balcony and switch into an instanced space like the Pandarian farm. A few places where furniture or decor can go.

Start simple, iterate the system over time.

I don’t want that. I want an instanced neighborhood. Expand the plots until demand is met. Blizzard has the resources. Yoshi-P does not.

Tastes differ, I guess.

I don’t want neighbors. Neighbors are annoying.

I don’t raid. Building my housing plot in Wildstar kept me subscribed for close to a year, though. Best housing system ever. It’s a shame Blizzard can’t pull it off.

Can’t or won’t, I think they just don’t want to.

I have a different idea.

A poster on another thread (sorry whoever you are I can’t find your post to give you credit) suggested sacrificing a patch zone and, while I initially thought this a terrible idea given how chintzy Blizzard has gotten on the number of zones they make, I now think this would be the most realist plan. The patch’s new dungeons and raids instances could easily be accessed from the expansion’s already-unveiled-zones thru added portals.

After all, this feature is more for people who play causally, enjoying open world content, farming, crafting, ect than the power pushers anyway so sacrificing a raid would not be very fair.

Also, since it would be replacing open world content, Blizzard would have to make it accessible so they could not associate any ridiculous gold costs for the basic iteration, something I hear nightmares about in other games. No one would have to be a gold goblin (although of course the gold goblins would enjoy high end cosmetics).

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I’d give up two raid tiers!


As a proud member of the ‘player housing crew’, I want them to start simple. It should be limited to start so it doesn’t take over the game the way garrison did and it has room to grow and evolve from expansion to expansion. (And it should also be simple so it is accessible to every one instead of just the gold goblins.)

They could start with:
(1) an instanced room of rickety furniture and seedy furnishings
(2) a carpentry vendor that sells nicer wood furniture (and a weapons rack)
(3) pattern drops for blacksmithed cast iron bed, tailored curtains, jewel-crafted vase, ect
(4) item drops like a plant from Maraudon, book of magic from the Black Temple, snowy landscape from Utgards Keep, ect
(5) a few creme de la creme objects in the Blizzard store (ie a sleigh bed!).

And if it does not prove to benefit the game on a financial level, they can leave it simple and just use to add reskinned rewards to content like they do battle pets and mogs.

And i would rather not have player housing in general.

I think player housing will cost a lot more than a raid tier if its to be of any quality at all.

Now I don’t care about raid tiers, but I think player housing is a terrible investment without it being tied to some sort of mechanic that effects a whole expansion.

Was a complete snorefest 1 hour in. I’m only speaking for me but I don’t play these games to play dress up in my dollhouse