I Will Gladly Give Up A Raid Tier for Player Housing

LMAO We all know the raids are designed Mythic on down. They aren’t designed for LFR and up, you’re smoking megacrack if you think they don’t design the raids for mythic first and then tune them down for Heroic/Normal/LFR. The entire game is overdesigned around keeping Mythic Raiders from the World First trophy until Blizzard decides they can have it. The entire game is built to keep degen gameplay from Ruining Ion’s Precious world first race.

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I was really hoping the leak I read was true but alas. The ‘leaked’ logging and woodcrafting profession would’ve been perfect for making furniture for your house… and BOWS.

I already started imagining different themes of housing designs for all the races. Now I am disappoint lol.

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Everything you just said is irrelevant to the topic. Point being: Raids take art. The art is only done once regardless of tuning and mechanics work for multiple difficulties. Housing also takes art. Art is the bottleneck.

I woudl give up a raid tier for anything more interesting than raids honestly.
But player housing isnt something i actually care much for in itself.

Art for housing lasts longer and will still see more use than art for raids. If there is an art bottle neck hire more artist. You really don’t have a dog in this fight. The problem isn’t staff. The problem is the lead developers for the longest time were ex-everquest no-lifers who value content only a fraction of a fraction of the player base will see. Even if there are people who have no interest in buying a house, they can still attend RP events inside of player houses. They can enjoy the aesthetics of it, regardless. A raid tier is only around for ~6-8 months, after that it’s irrelevant. A player house can exist for literal decades.

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A house “lasting” for decades means nothing if the player in question visits it regularly for 2 weeks then never touches it again.

They are. Almost all the time. Having a job opening doesn’t mean it’s filled instantly, or that the new hires will be productive quickly. Or that it wouldn’t be a better use of the additional staff to simply… put out more dungeons instead.

You’re stuck in the mindset of pre-Cata Raiding where participation was so low that it wouldn’t have been worth developing raids if they didn’t implement LFR.

This is no longer the case, even above LFR.

I’m just having PTSD from Garrisons right now, don’t mind me.

to think the actual game will suffer because people want to sit their characters in a house baffles me. I really hope the devs don’t listen to people.

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WoW’s core players are not people who would focus on housing, so they would be foolish to implement it.

Like FFXIV where almost no one can have a house?

A lot of people have houses and apartments, and rooms in FC houses. :woman_shrugging:

By that logic, blizzard shouldn’t support anything in the game and just let it die. Because no matter what they make people will be angry


Whether they put land plots out in the countryside, give everyone a TARDIS in Orgrimmar that has the same space, or builds instanced neighborhoods accessible from capitals… the other two groups wanting a different form will be angry.

You don’t have the same thing with other aspects of the game, because they aren’t split into 3 diametrically opposed models like that.

Are raiding, M+, PvP, and world content distinct from each other? Yes. But all 4 can coexist. There will only be 1 form of housing, though, no matter what happens. And everyone who wanted one of the other 2 forms will be angry.

I see, I understand that but… I’m not sure. Do people want plot of land on the world map? Most people dislike a housing system where you have to be lucky to get a house like ff14s lottery system or ArcheAges building system with limited land

I honestly will accept whatever form of actual housing and not garrisons we get as long as anyone who wants one can realistically get one and we can customize it freely.

its kind of a big company, you really shouldn’t settle for one or the other. They “can” do both.

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That’s the thing - it’s split three ways.

When you really get into it with people who want player housing, what you’ll find is that people don’t even mention which form THEY want, because they automatically assume that’s the ONLY way it can be done so naturally Blizzard will do it that way.

Which simply isn’t true. Imagine if we got all the people who want housing and put them in a big tent and had them split to the sides based on what kind of housing system they want.

Then they can battle it out in a big pool of jello.

It has nothing to do with raids. The list of reasons WoW can’t have the kind of player housing people keep demanding is a mile long.

player housing.
Buy raid zones, fill with chairs and tables.

I wouldnt. Player housing would just be a waste of resources. I hate to burst your bubble, but the pro housing crowd is a small but vocal minority.

Problem 1 being that the WoW engine can’t handle moving chairs and tables around.

You can’t even drop things on the ground in WoW.