I Will Gladly Give Up A Raid Tier for Player Housing

I’m not saying that he’s not due his fair share of criticism. But he’s not to blame for everything, he has plenty of bosses over him he has to answer to as well.

He’s due more than a fair share. You think Bobby cares if Conduit Energy is in the game? No. He only cares about his next Yacht.

Would be too easy to give you the answers, and I don’t want to change your mind honestly, way too much work and it should be slightly obvious because I gave you the base to work with. But it’s okay, you don’t want it, whatever.

There’s a lot of layers between him and the Demon Kotik.

Ybarra for one. Hight is another.

Hight never gets called out on stuff , even tho he is Ion’s boss, because he rarely is in the public eye. rarely does interviews.

better than sitting in Orgrimmar or Storm Wind doing nothing to be honest.

The hilarious thing is that there are many ways to do player housing.

No matter which way they go, the people who wanted it done another way will STILL be unhappy.

There’s zero point in Blizzard doing player housing, because even most of the people who want it will be angry.

You do instanced player housing based on a directory look up. Like every good game has done since LOTRO. It really isn’t that big of a deal.

You do realize you’re looking at games with engines that were designed with this exact feature in mind right? WoW isn’t. As I’ve said before, player housing would be so horribly watered down and anger so many players at how poorly it’s implemented that Blizzard would end up wasting an expansion or more just trying to make it workable.

As someone who would enjoy Player Housing – I wouldn’t. It’s a feature that has very little staying power for an average player. It’s not a particularly xpack-locked feature, so the small amount of relevance it has can be consumed at any time, which is nice, but I’d wager the vast majority of players would either ignore the feature entirely or interact with it heavily for a couple weeks, then abandon it after setting it up exactly how they want it.

If they can worm it in without releasing notably fewer dungeons/raids/zones/whatever in that xpack/patch? Awesome. If not? don’t bother.

/glances at garrisons

More players would get more fun out of player housing than they would out of Mythic raiding. You can not tell me that content designed for the 0.00001% of poopsockers is even remotely comparable in interest to player housing. WoW getting player housing would literally break twitter. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Please play more games. Please play more games. Please please please play another game.

That’s fine that you feel like that, but I’ll take raids everyday over housing… which we’ve kinda already done.

what does this even mean?

Eh? Garrisons were laggy at first because of the way they layered the instances onto the world server. A completely separate house instance like in ESO or whatever would have no more effect on the world server than the bazillionty dungeon/arena/bg instances running at any given time.

That server could lag, but they could always limit the slots and put a queue on it.

It means you lack the knowledge to even coherently comment on this subject.

that’s a bit toxic lol, enjoy your flag I guess?

You just compared player housing to garrisons. You do not know what you are talking about. Go away troll.

Mate, let’s not pretend Mythic Raiding is where the resources needed for this go. It’s art. Art is the bottleneck. Not… encounter tuning.

So with that in mind, yes, I’d wager between LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Raiding, that art resources put into Raids results in more fun to more people than an optional vanity feature many players are actively against in this community.

please, enlighten my feeble mind on the differences.

I guess in proper housing you can place chairs WHEREVER YOU WANT!!!