I Will Gladly Give Up A Raid Tier for Player Housing

It’ll happen next xpac (after dragonflight)

Make me.

Sad. (10chars)

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Speak for yourself.
I’m only a casual raider but i don’t want to give up a raid tier just so i can have a building to sit in all by myself.
I honestly don’t understand why people want housing so badly…

I think it’s because you don’t understand the amount of fun you could have with houses. It’s not just sitting around and decorating. It could also be useful. Also “sitting there by myself” here’s your problem. It can be a neat social experience when there’s activities to do in it.

how is that any different to what we had in WoD?

You can’t even have fun with your friends in your garrison wth. Also, use your imagination a bit and imagine other stuff to do in that house alone or with friends. I’m not gonna do it for you.

I don’t think we would have to give up a raid tier for this feature.

Blizzard doesn’t have to deal with the shock of a global pandemic, lawsuits, strikes and everything in between this time. I was more relax with the company last time because of this. (Some players were not as forgiving with the expansion) I expect normality this time.

Also I believe the company has the capability to accommodate all types of players. From avatars/design of the new race, how the class plays and to the content we receive. (player housing as people keep talking about for an example)

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Player housing is cool, and fun in concept, but I think a raid tier is too high a price to pay for that.

You could invite your friends to your garrison. You could do the garrison assaults together, take advantage of the daily quests, pet battles, kill the rare spider on halloween, use the AH etc.
I would definitely rather interact with more people in the outside world. Just my opinion :slight_smile:

Lame, just more of the same stuff we do in the overworld. I said use your imagination and you didn’t.

How about you tell me? Or you don’t actually have anything?
Like i said, i don’t understand why people want it so why not try and change our minds?
Not up to me to use my imagination for something i don’t want. lol

Same, same.

I DGAF about raids, honestly.

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I’m so happy for you.

Unfortunately I do care and would not want to lose a raid tier over sitting around in an instanced house by myself all day doing who knows what.

It won’t happen so long as Ion has a job at Blizzard. His focus is raiding. Always has been. He has got to go before they’ll do player housing.

It really isn’t. Player housing will be in the game until it dies, a raid tier is irrelevant once the next one drops. It’s really inefficient to design the game this way. You people really need to play some more god damn games. This is pathetic. Jesus Christ.

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Imagine hiring a lawyer to design a video game. That is like hiring a dentist to design a candy bar.

People can be different thing at the same time. Ion was a top tier raider, while practicing law at a pretty high level at the same time. He gave that practice up to go into game design full time.

Because he’s been the main public face of the WoW team for a while, he’s become the target of way more than his fair share of acrimony. It’s stupid. but that’s our community in a nutshell.

Yea, man sure. You can be good at designing raids. That doesn’t mean you’re good at designing games. Ion never should have been promoted to lead Dev. His tenure speaks for itself.