I Will Gladly Give Up A Raid Tier for Player Housing

Garrisons weren’t even close to player housing, and it was much discussed as to why during WoD. Limited building options, fixed plots, everyone having the same 5 buildings, tying them to professions, having quests come out of them, etc etc. Blizzard removed the things that people like about player housing (customisation!) and then removed any reason to leave them, and were surprised that the players didn’t enjoy it… If you want to see proper player housing, watch some Wildstar videos on it.

And yet other, smaller companies with fewer resources can do it in a fraction of that time. Ion just doesn’t like housing and doesn’t want to invest in it. He is extremely set in his ways, as evidenced by his hate-on for flight.

I absolutely agree. I think given the current state of the game and the continuing loss of subs from retail it wouldn’t be a smart business decision to sink millions of dollars into a feature that might not bring players back. What frustrates me though is the excuses Ion uses. If it’s bad business and likely won’t keep players engaged, just say that it’s not worth the $ rather than spinning some bollocks about costing a raid tier.

I mean to be fair, people have just wanted simple flying available early on in expansions for going on 8 years now. The active fight against players with systems like pathfinder, and then being told that this new feature will be the only way players can fly in the new zones just makes it feel like they’re actively against what players want. I’m willing to give dragon riding a fair go, but if it becomes tedious I’ll just skip it like I have with most SL content.

While it’s not something players are likely to expect for Dragonflight, maybe there would be some benefit to Blizzard announcing that they are actually working on developing it and will look at releasing it in 11.0. That would go a long way to rebuilding trust in their game.

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We have player housing right now don’t we ? Depending on your convenant you have different sanctums that you can also improve using anima upgrades and quests.

They just didn’t add more features that’s it.

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Yeah that would be great. Feels like he just gave us some false hope with that interview but not outright saying they’re gonna do it. The last part I definitely agree with, they need to build trust again. WoW’s reputation is freaking awful right now.


Most would not, but it shouldn’t cost a raid tier anyway.

We have had a farm and a garrison. Some copy paste converting these to some simple player housing shouldn’t take serious development, especially since if it is a little buggy it has no impact on player progression, and will be merely annoying. Even better, it can be added on to if it is a little thin on options to start, and this will give the developers better feedback on what features they should add.


I’m not sure I understand how a massive company like blizzard can’t do both.


No, that’s not what I’m saying at all.

That’s what I’m getting at. Even instanced content lags due to player volume. The reason for this is because the server has to actively take into account each existing player in a given location despite the fact that other players are “hidden” via layering or cross-realm zoning.

Unfortunately, this still causes lags, crashes, etc. Think of it this way. If one-million people went to the ebay website at the same time, it would crash because even though you’re on your own instance of ebay, there are still 999,999 other people to be accounted for. Not the best example, but it should suffice.

I don’t like FF14 just as much as the next guy, but the plot system works really well for what the player housing system aims to do.

Great for RS. I don’t think WoW would have the same benefit. WoW is notorious for awful servers, lagging, and crashing. Not to mention; More players than RS, especially at the launch of an expansion. Player housing is enough of a feature to bring back lots more folks as well.

Exactly my point.

I do. It’s annoying. It wastes my time and my enjoyment of something. To each their own, but whining also eventually invokes change if there’s enough of it. Players would whine about there not being enough content with player housing, and then we’d get four difficulties of player housing but it still wouldn’t be enough for the whiners.

And that’s why it would still be better to release a more finished product. Because Blizzard does a really good job of mitigating enough whiners to keep their game alive. The way they do it is by releasing functional content. If they release a trashy form of player housing, it will just be all bad. Even you and I, people who want it to be in the game, might just be upset about how a system is implemented if it doesn’t suit our desire.

I’ve never really got into raiding just feels like a insular part of the game that is continually propped up by design


It’s not all black or white anyway. I already said decent enough and they shouldn’t rush it which would make those who want it happy. I never said it should be “barebones” (actually I did lmao) and just work from there. Anyway, we both want pretty much the same thing so whatever lmao. Soon™

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shows you the Warlords of Draenor expansion

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Neither did I. I’m just giving you an example.


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Are you saying player housing would give players their own transmog studio? That would interest a lot of them.


I’d trade my 5 million gold brutosaur for a decent, instanced version of player housing.

I’d sacrifice a thousand raid tiers and mythic+ affixes for a decent shot at player housing. Go ahead, and take all the covenants, conduits, renown, and cyphers while you’re at it.


blizzard is a mutli-dollar company. (lol)

they can’t afford to work on more than two features for an expansion.


I’d gladly sacrifice a raid tier AND several mythic plus seasons for player housing.

The game needs more RPG elements and fewer E-Sport anchors.


Please shut up about player housing. Go sit in your garrison or play the other MMOs that have robust player housing systems. I genuinely hate you people and your endless screeching for a pointless vanity system that a very loud fraction of a fraction of the player base wants.

Imagine hating people for something like this. I don’t see screeching, we would really enjoy the feature and that’s it. Not happy? Don’t read or just go away.


Ooo, I love playing flag football.

Give them time.

We’ve given them 17 whole years, my dude. We’ve been asking since Vanilla.

Shut up about player housing

More people will use player housing than Mythic Raids.