I just made this thread to inform those who may have question later that I will be leaving WoW permanently even though I have enjoyed the game a lot. Reason I made this thread in WPVP is because that is pretty much what I did with 80% of my game time and if we cut out gearing it would make up 100%.
I have enjoyed playing with many different people even though I haven’t played during any other expansion than BFA, I would say WPVP is fun in this game if you know where to look for it, Uldum for example is definitely worst place due to NPC crowded areas. Old zones such as hellfire or nagrand are great, Zuldazar and Tirigarde are good too.
I made thread because there are many people who are off now, I didn’t want to just leave as in community message will be erased.
Anyway I just wanted to say farewell to those who I have played with or maybe played against, as long as we had fun out of it.