I was wrong, RDF sucks

I don’t expect that.

In your opinion; what situations does Wrath Classic create where players must communicate with one another to break the ice and start conversation that is NOT present in the retail version of the game?

Again, I am not. My point in asking that was that RDF still offers an opportunity to be social, to create community with other players, to break the ice etc… but you cut off the rest of my post despite it being very brief and succinct.

Whenever I try to chat in dungeons, I go through periods where don’t do any damage, and have something like:


in the chat box.

Maybe socializing in dungeons is overrated?


Really? Says who… You?

Not having RDF doesn’t make anyone magically more social than having it implemented does.

Which is true.

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Lazy people will be lazy…iknoutlands where U CAN fly every dungeon in on a 2 min fly in Stade of just wait to be invited and summoned why don’t u… I don’t know… Make ur own groups? And summon the rest? Again… All dungeons are literally in the same map as your leveling… Don be so lazy! … My God

Let me ask you this. What do the following have in common?

Battlegrounds Chat
RDF Chat
YouTube comments
Xbox Live

Hint: They are all toxic

Why do you think that is? It’s not the people. Xbox Live has been around before WoW and it was always toxic.

That I don’t socialize in either of them and use them for my own benefit, glorious I know.

See you forgot:

Trade Chat
LFG Chat

Also chats that aren’t cross realm that I among others don’t socialize in and just use… Wait for it… For our own benefit.

Socializing is done in Discord, Guild Chat which isn’t affected by whether RDF is in the game or not further proving the point that it’s only for grouping convenience (sometimes… I’ve seen some silent guild chats and very active Discords) and other apps. (Twitter being one of them, but I personally only see/like posts).

The poor people they’re not in control of their actions I know it’s sad. System made them do it.

Yeah I guess it’s just a coincidence that anonymity makes people act different. My bad you’re right.

Yeah they totally can’t act differently already with or without RDF. My bad.

Should we implement that one extremely well-received change to force real names to show so people don’t do that?

You have a lot of confidence in your own autonomy. Especially considering the fact that you’re playing a skinner box. You’re pretty naïve if you think you’re in complete control of your own actions.

I don’t have strings attached so… Yeah I’d think so, anyway back to the topic of RDF it doesn’t really change much. Which isn’t wrong and I’ve listed several examples as to why considering you said that it was…

RDF is a bad system because players know that no matter what they do or how nice or mean they are they will never have to talk to those people again. Not only that, but they can kick players for low dps or one wipe caused by a tank/healer and INSTANTLY get a new one teleported in. Whereas if you had to find a new tank it would take way less time to stick with the one you have.

Because of this you may have to explain things to that player (social interaction) maybe you get to know them and that person joins your guild as a result. What was a potential guild member has been turned into a “Vote to kick”

It is the most anti-social system that you can add to the game and it has absolutely no place in an MMO. You might as well add bots to your dungeon group.

All of that is already doable as of right now, so what exactly changes??

It only takes a bit more time if any to replace someone, except this time you don’t have to wait for that vote to actually kick anyone, you just do it.

I literally just explained the difference. If you can’t comprehend the impact that the difference has then I don’t know what to tell you. Read it again and mull over it.

This is how it is below level 58 for sure, in a month or so when DK madness is over it will be like this below level 68 as well.

It isn’t like the open world has people in it either, the open world pre 68 is dead.

Why would I mull over it? There’s no need to lol.

The only difference I’m seeing is that RDF supposedly makes kicking faster, but how does that stop somebody now from kicking and replacing? You don’t have to wait for votes to give someone the boot. I’d argue it’s even easier to do now without RDF unless you’re on a smaller pop server.

Instant teleport replacement? Hello? How in the world are you not comprehending this? Add anonymity to that and you have yourself an extremely toxic system THAT RETAIL PLAYERS ARE CONSTANTLY COMPLAINING ABOUT MIGHT I ADD

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So they have to go and summon somebody which takes a bit more time… Bummer.

That won’t stop someone from being kicked due to low DPS or simply just cause they can, only in rare cases like say you’re far in BRD. That doesn’t guarantee that people will warm up to them and talk so much as it would them just never inviting that person again.

Systems aren’t toxic, people are.

eye roll

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Yeah spoken by a person who believes psychology doesn’t exist. It’s almost as if you believe people behave exactly the same in all situations.

It’s simple. You build the system for human psychology. You don’t build the system and then try and fit people into it and expect them to behave how you want. Good design is elegant and it takes into account how people will behave in all situations.

They don’t, that’s what I’m trying to tell you actually… Nothing changes with RDF because people aren’t all the same and don’t become magically more social with/without it. Stating that it’s the source of all toxicity is silly when people are toxic even now without it.

This is true.