I was horrified, the mount dies too in an assault?

Are you a skinner? You will completely change your mind on this if you’re a skinner.

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Yah well i rather kill a horse than have to through and pick stuff out of poop :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

War-craft, your playing a game about war, horses dont always survive wars.

Innocent Horses die everyday, poor old Blanchy :cry:


I was gonna say that if I told you what medications go into horses, you’d be turned off of it (I’ve worked the race track and the show circuit - I don’t mean illegal street drugs, just standard veterinary medications). But God knows what goes into factory farmed beef/pork/chicken and it’s still eaten.

I’ll be honest, I was so angry with that quest the first time I did it. Totally missed the CSI Miami reference and was wondering why Blizz was treating poor Blanchy this way!! I will forever hate Vanessa Vancleef for what she did. Sadly she still lives. Maybe if we’re lucky she’ll get trampled to death by horse.


Following your logic we should can kill npc childrens. But you know why we cant.

if it’s cooked I don’t care…feed me!


Are you sure about that?

Ok, I’m not saying I don’t kill animals in the game. What I am saying is that it was the first time I have noticed that a mount that an NPC was on died when the NPC died. Normally the mounts disappear or maybe run off. It was a surprise.

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Pretty much. I’m familiar with the poultry industry and there is nothing natural about store bought chicken. My guess is horse has less hormones than familiar meat

He’s beautiful.

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I do too, and when i have to kill animals for quests, I try to go after the red mobs, not the yellow ones. I don’t have a problem with killing humanoid npcs, but I don’t like killing animals.

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I always feel wrong when I skin dogs that attack me. =/

Ya this happens very frequently. Any time you fight a mounted unit, basically.
Look back to the Warcraft 3 knight unit death animation. The horse falls over and fades away too.

Not realistic, but that’s just what happens in video games. It’s surprising more so that you are just seeing it for the first time, truthfully. Sorry if it was a bad experience for you though.

(shh… no-one tell the OP about Darnassus and its animals)

Ohhh Guy like!

Considering the horse is made out of pixels, unfortunately I am unable to agree.

Editing in a high five for whoever posted that MXC gif… One of the best shows ever

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On reflection, I think you should see all the slaughtered animals after a battle, stained with blood and poop, as well as any dead PCs and NPCs. This pretense of shock that some fictional animal was killed is a sad joke after the Horde burned Teldrassil. Back then objectors were too often told “This is war!” so let’s see the other side now. Dead horses? War. Dead dogs? War. Skinned animal carcasses stinking under the sun? Trade.

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That horse fought with valor…

we gave it a memorial and a funeral as well.