I was horrified, the mount dies too in an assault?

I was mislead by the title, I thought the OP saw the MG goldshire inn.

The MG Goldshire Inn is amazing with WM turned on. It’s a ghost town.

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8.15 New Alliance only WQ for 7th Legion.


Horde version, Zandalari Rep


I can’t stop watching those videos.


I aim to please

I’ll be waiting for my check from Activision/blizzard for my content design.

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Yet your leader destroyed the world tree which resulted in countless innocent creatures and mount lives lost…

Not all of us approve of our “leader” and what she did.

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Did you know you can also kill other animals like dogs, squirrels, gophers, deers, lambs, cats, butterflies, fey dragons, etc.

I’m surprised no one brought up the brutosaur in BoD yet.

What if I am the mount?

You kill me nonetheless so you lie!


It knew what it signed up for.

Since when horses have a choice and “sign up” for anything?

You’re helping catch living prisoners so they can be killed, forcibly brought back to life so they can unwillingly serve your zombie queen and… you say killing a horse is without honor?

(falls over laughing… omg… can’t breath… so funny…)



Some people have really bad priorities.

I believe he goes by war man now.

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Um, you fight under a Warchief who rallies under the cry of “Death to the living!” Did you think it only meant some of the living?

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It’s only okay if men women and children die in this game but never a horse.

I’m glad we agree.


You inspired me to look him up. He was actually on the cover of three of their albums.


“We’ll be calling on horses next”

Don’t feel bad, that horse would’ve just been turned into yet another rep mount for the Alliance that no one would want.

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