I want to be a Jedi!

Are you serious? I am not sure if you realize that WOW takes place during a time where there no such thing as as jedi…that would completely ruin the idea behind WOW. Want to be a jedi ? go play STAR WARS™ - Knights of the Old Republic and leave WOW alone.

Yeah Shakespeare had to deal with that as well. They had just fought the War of the Roses a century earlier and Henry VII’s granddaughter was on the throne.

The Lancasters had defeated the Yorks and Shakespeare had to be very careful that he was on the correct side of politics when he wrote about Henry VI and Richard III.

So that’s really nothing new.

Kenobi broke cannon.

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I think they’re too different.

One is more action focused and one is more exploratory.

Star Trek space battles never did it for me. Star Wars space battles are awesome!

If you’re gonna play a sith, why not have fun and be evil?

Trying to appeal to the masses is a quick way to ruin art. Good art comes from prioritizing meaning first; and appeal is merely a byproduct.

NGL though I prefer the paradigm where Stormtroopers were consider elite soldiers as they were mentioned in the OT and there was a lower ranked “Imperial Army Trooper” who made up more of the rank-and-file.

Stormtroopers being treated like complete cannon fodder is basically them bending the lore to fit the memes and pop-culture.

. . . They ARE still elite soldiers in the new stuff, we’ve seen them go ham on some folks, fel it’s how episode 7 opened up with them wiping out a whole village.

My point is that I think its absurd to erase the Imperial Army Trooper, downgrade the Stormtrooper, and then make up a new rank above Stormtrooper we’ve never seen when there was already a functional status quo.

Palpatine was clear that the troops he deplored to Endor were his “finest troops”, and yet it was a mix of Scouts and Stormtroopers, which if you believe the newer canon means they just sent cannon fodder, which is really dumb and doesn’t really make sense.

The only reason they did this nonsense is because pop-culture tore the Stormtrooper apart unfairly. And also so they could sell more toys.

Soooooo basically what George did before with the whole selling of merchandise . . . I mean let’s not pretend that’s a new thing here, practically every Star Wars character got a toy at the very least, even pruneface.

I’m not. What is new is pandering to pop-culture. Nonsense like “they fly now” when Clone Troopers have had jetpacks before is something newer. I’m not a huge lore buff of Star Wars, I don’t care if they switch from one blaster to another, but the House of Mouse has been more blatant about it, that’s all I’m saying.

Just so we’re clear, you know George never considered the EU canon right? It was soft canon at best and could be overturned at any moment . . . actually I believe he considered it an “alternate universe” to his, and he REALLY hated Mara Jade ifin I recall.

Edit: also here’s a list of pre Disney retcons

So Shakespeare ruined art? Who knew?

The dev team should’ve read up on NGE before implementing covenants.

If we all collectively tell you it isn’t going to work, maybe, just maybe, listen.

Why use such dishonest argumentation? This is clearly not what I said.

Well how do you know it didn’t work? Other than the forums which are heavily biased toward people who are complaining about something and the rage bait CCs who feed them raw meat, where do you find any random sample of people saying they didn’t like the covenants?

Personally I thought it worked our really well. I went through the initial campaign, picked one, ran my alts through and picked the others then did all the covenant storylines. I thought it was great.

But that’s just my opinion just as the complaints you see in the forum are opinions. Without a random unbiased sample of players we have no idea what the player population in general thought about covenants.