I want our PCs to fail more often

I was playing through the Zandalari zones again and was reminded of why I love them so much. Too often, in my opinion, our characters seem to effortlessly steamroll over whatever is thrown at us andbI would love to see more opportunities for our characters to fail.

Like I said above, I love that we fail utterly in many zones in Zandalar, I loved the unmitigated disaster that was the initial assault on the Broken Shore, and I’d love to see some more well written blows to our respective characters and factions.

Maybe I’m in the minority but I’m reminded of some of my favorite moments in other MMOs (Ziost in SWTOR and the latest episode in GW2 LW season 4). What are your opinions Story Forums?


if you want to fail often, play alliance.

we even manage to fail at zandalar with the random objective of cut their bond, by attacking them :upside_down_face:



Maybe not often per say, but I’d love to see more stuff like the Broken Shore. Cannot tell you how many times I watched Varian and Vol’jins death cinematic. Then how cathartic Gul’dans death cinematic was.

Failure is fun if it is done right.

Check out Avengers Infinity War. Now thats a fun losing storyline to participate in.


Oh absolutely.

Well written and earned is absolutely a requirement.

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I’m pretty sure players on both sides feel like failures in this expansion. Isn’t that enough?


I’d argue that many of the failures this expansion have been poorly written, poorly conceived, and poorly presented.

Failing (as part of a story) in a video game can have some serious emotional weight to it if handled correctly.


Yes, but like many things I’ve learned, Blizzard doesn’t know how to write it properly. I’d rather they stay in their comfort zone from now on.

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I would rather not have a repeat of the Garrosh fight from WoD. You can do the fight perfectly, then you lose because plot. It’s not fun and is very frustrating.

As others have said, failure plot line can work if done well. The problem is with Blizzard’s history do you really expect them to make a failure plot that doesn’t feel like a cop out? Oh look it’s the artifact we need to save the world! Invulnerable villain appears from nowhere, LOL NOPE MINE NOW LOLOLOLOL.


Agree completely.

Bosses that you roflstomp then suddenly get your but kicked cause teh plots are jarring (Kai Lang from ME3 comes to mind).

I’m more talking about something like Ziost in SWTOR where your indirectly trying to harry the newly awakened Emperors plans, you think you succeed then watch in horror as he literally devours all life on the planet. It really sets up just how powerful he is, it’s a great moment.

Blizz has, in my opinion shown they are capable of this. The Broken Shore was a wonderful moment. The two world superpowers teaming up and driving the enemy back is something that has worked time and time again, to see it fail so spectacularly really set the tone for Legion, and did a wonderful job setting up just how dangerous they were (following through with that momentum might not have landed so well but that’s a different problem).


“It is possible to commit no mistake, and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.” - Jean-Luc Piccard, Star Trek The Next Generation.

I think the issue we have in general is the, “commit no mistake,” part so that people don’t look incompetent.

I’m reminded of failures every time I see a Void Elf.