I want new dungeons

I think the current setup - 4 new dungeons and 4 old dungeons - is better than doing the same 8 dungeons for the entire expac. And also better than 8 new dungeons season 1 and then 8 old dungeons season 2.


Grim Batol wasnā€™t. But I donā€™t think that one needs much revamping. Throne of Tides probably needed more than that one will.

I think my only issue is that the first season break immersion for me when itā€™s half old dungeons from previous expansions. But I understand that Fated season is supposed to be all 8 expansion dungeons, soā€¦ thatā€™s probably why they do it this way.

the fact you think youre so speical that doing a simple charecter search is stalking shows you have zero clue what you are talking about or just trying to troll which is cringe.

you would be here complaining if they had all new dungeons. people like you just complain for the sake of complaining. they got a word for its called being a KAREN.

it very much is.

says the guy who made a cry post from the start then had nearly zero actually pve expierence. No your take is they should do new dungeons which is a horrible take. no one wants to do the same 8-10 dungeons for a whole xpac which is why nearly every key pusher loves the new system. makes it fresh.

i edited one misspelled word soooooooo.

is the illnessess a lack of common sense and game knoweldge and knowing what you are actually talking about or is it the karenitis?

rolls eyes and you dont see them here complaining about it trying to get attention. Bad takes get slapped my dude welcome to the forums. dont cry because you had a uninformed bad take just learn its a bad take and either shut it or delete the post lmao.

says the person who started the name calling because they got called out

You are demanding that M+ conforms to you and what you want only. if you only want to do m0s with all new dungeons go for but dont come make bad takes and not expect to get called out for being an entitled karen.

sadly i dont care enough to read and reply you this entirely, but i received the notification, iam just putting it in the ignore bc i have nothing more to say, iā€™iil continue playing the way i want to and complaining for the bad takes of the developers, see you

Remember when we had BC dungeons that were all reusing all the same assets? Auchindoun was 4 wings of the same dungeon of replaced mobs, just hallways of trash that stretched on way longer than needed. But they did shake is up with the dark portal where they just expanded Swamp of Sorrows and had the same 3 dragonkin spawn for half an hour.

and i will continue to report you for toxicity and prove your bad takes and make your whole point usless. as you are just a classic forums troll.

I donā€™t see any demands there. I see the OP asking if others feel the same and giving their opinion and hoping it might change, but no demands.

I also see you getting unreasonably upset and a tad toxic for no reason whatsoever.

I understand most donā€™t share the OPā€™s view. Totally fine. And I also understand why itā€™s done the way itā€™s done right now.

But thereā€™s no reason to flip out and attack someone the way you have.

Threats arenā€™t a good way to go either.


I like that they are reusing old forgotten dungeons, I want to see a season with a dungeon from every xpac.

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I donā€™t mind that they do itā€¦ I just donā€™t like that itā€™s first season. Unfortunately, thereā€™s no way to change that.

Thats a demand my dude. and if you read previous post they demand m+ conform to what they want ,

lmao OP was toxic calling me a wow brat for simply saying thats a horrible take and here is why. sooooo yea i wasnt toxic.

If you gonna come to the forums with a uniformed bad take then someone explains why its a bad take then instead of either accepting it or having a civil discussion you begin crying and calling them names you lost all purpose and just came to the forums to cause drama and complain for the sake of complaining.

where is your post berating the OP for actually attacking me? hmmmmmm

not a threat its a promise i think they already got silenced for being toxic

They said they want something. Thatā€™s not a demand. ā€œIā€™d like this,ā€ is not ā€œDO THIS NOW YOU HAVE TO DO THIS.ā€

Because you chose to attack them with nonsensical stuff. You donā€™t get to play victim or have Shocked Pikachu Face when you get it back.

Both of yā€™all need to calm down.

Itā€™s not uninformed. OP specifically posted the information theyā€™re talking about. And your opinion that itā€™s a ā€œbad takeā€ is just a toxic way of disagreeing with their opinion. You could have just done like others and said, ā€œI disagree.ā€

Nowhere. Because you started it.

Threatening someone with flagging is just thatā€¦ threatening. Whether you follow through or not is an entirely different story.

There was a better way to approach thisā€” your way wasnā€™t it.

Hope you have a better day.


i mean i would give them a credit since its the first expansion, iam having the feeling even if legion or bfa was bad for someone, they had more patches of dungeons and lore behind them, shadowlands had pandemic, so i understand, but the way they re seeling the soul saga is less than expected, reutiliziing old dungeonsā€¦they could redo the dungeons in a cool way, but they arent rn

I donā€™t like not doing the full 8 on season 1 either, I donā€™t want to run NecroWake again, that place is a nightmare from being underpowered Blood on necrotic weeks.

This is 100% for retention reasons. Itā€™s the same reason they time gate content. It literally is time gating content.

Theyā€™re obviously ok with doing a season full of the current expansion dungeons, just look at Dragonflight season 4. So why would they not put it at the start of the expansion? Simple, youā€™ll pay a sub to do the first 4 in season 1, then youā€™ll pay a sub to do the next 4 in season 2, then youā€™ll pay a sub to do the megadungeon in season 3, and you know what, Iā€™ll pay the sub too.

We all want new dungeons but Blizz has us by the balls, weā€™ll get to play them when they give them to us but they give them to us in exchange for money and thatā€™s likely how itā€™ll be for the rest of WoWā€™s lifespan.

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I would like this, maybe add a new boss. Change a couple of things inside the dungeon visually.

Would be totally cool.

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Thats fair.

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Iā€™m okay with them reusing old dungeons for M plus, if we get new affixes it could change up how these instances are run.

I agree. first patch / first season should be all about the NEW content, NEW dungeons, NEW Raids. not old content plus some new stuff sprinkled in. after season 1, do what you want and add old dungeons, but season 1 should be ONLY new stuff.


You member when we got new dungeons that went with raids? Member the dungeon for Tomb of Sargeras and the dungeon they added for the final patch that helped tell some story? Member ICC heroics?

I think using those dungeons to tell side stories and help hype up the story of that zone, raid, and the threat is really cool when done right.

What if instead of a megadungeon we got 2 or 3 hard dungeons attached to a tier? Imo that might be a cool feature to see instead of always pulling from past dungeons every season. They could have 2 or 3 bosses each and be shorter but epic in design and in how they tell side stories, environmental stories, etcā€¦ Thunk about it Blizzards.

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Thereā€™s 8 new dungeons on release, probably a mega dungeon in the middle that will be split in two and maybe 2 revamped old dungeons weā€™ll be generous and call ā€œnewā€

So we got 12 new dungeons to split across 3 seasons and 1 fated season of the initial 8 dungeons.

If we do all 8 new releases dungeons in the first season then we have the next three seasons to split 4 new dungeons into.

Season 1: 8/8 new
Season 2, 3: 4/16 new
Season 4: 0/8 new

Is that REALLY what youā€™d rather have?

If I had to pick between the two, Iā€™ll take what they are giving us.

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