I vote Blizz look into all R12+ players

All this is mainly because my disabled friend who only has 1 hand and uses an MMO mouse got banned for playing defense in AV and prolly jump spammed to not afk out. Now I want justice against every1. I dun care if you only botted for 30 mins a day… derank + ban NOW.

And if I state an opinion on a factual statement and people take issue with that, then that is on them, not me.

So yes, I do find it funny because it doesn’t make sense to me and I laid out the reasons why. People are free to disagree or have different weights/variables that they factor in to their decision making process.

Me disagreeing doesn’t mean inherently mean that it is an insult. That is some pretty close minded mentality.

They dont care

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eh letting your brother play on your account is fine I think. Back in Cata I played on my brothers character for pvp just to have fun.

You got most of your honor from a 6min AV discord doing the drek pally pull every time. Does that make you 100% legit?

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Nah, there are plenty of players who keyboard turn and back peddle who aren’t bots.

A. Yes, that’s 100% legit.

B. That was at most, 3 weeks of my 14 (so far not counting this one) week grind.

The AV premades were queue exploitation, and were definitely not legit.

This is exactly what bot scripting is. So if your okay with this. You’re okay with bots.

What a mess.

Not according to Blizzard.

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What? Keyboard turning is NOT the same as botting. :roll_eyes:

I’m sad I can’t tell horde to reroll heartseeker.

I guess I can still yell it, but it doesn’t have the same effect as on stalagg :frowning:

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“Life’s hard so I cheated.”

Enjoy the ban.


At this point, knowing what I now know, about what it takes to acquire rank 14 pvp gear–either legitimately or by cheating–I am just going to look at folks who have it with a lot of pity. Seriously. Say what you like, but if you’re playing that much, or you’re rigging your system to cheat (and help throw games for your team), you need to sort out your priorities, because you probably aren’t a very happy person. This is just a game, not a spouse. Heck…even a spouse doesn’t need/want that much attention.

I would imagine (hope) that the 8 day ban gives some of those unbalanced folks a chance to ‘detox’ enough from the game, to wake up and just play it on a healthy level.


You’re not completely wrong. In my case I have a crippling depression for the past 2 years and ranking was all I had, a goal to strive for, a reason to wake up in the morning. Never had fun with it but it was a way to keep my mind out of negative thoughts.


Go for it. I earned my R14 fair and square, put in the work during world PvP, adapted to WSG meta that got abandoned instantly, adapted to AV premade meta, adapted again to WSG meta after the premade removal patch. I have 83 days /played on my R14 character, and I haven’t been AFK for any of it.

It’d be nice to see the bots/AFKers get removed, makes my achievement stand out even more.


Just saying for anyone lurking, and happening to be on my realm
if you happen to be one using an auto join bot to queue accept and afk bg’s, you might some evening, find yourself having auto accepted a summon and invite, since they look the same, to a wonderful adventure of civilian slaying, guaranteed to undo many hours of afk soaking :slight_smile:

People who are good at PVP and really want to try and earn some rank can not so it, because it hurts them, but i can :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Sometimes though, to spice it up, they get summoned to interesting places, middle of kazzak’s hangout, blue dragonkin elite cave in wintersping etc

Depression sucks, but do something positive.
Find a fun guild, help people level and gear, help people learn the game, make friends etc.
PVP ranking is no good cure because even doing it right is an insane grind that never actually ends if you want to keep the rank, it’s like a high speed treadmill that never stops.

I dont think you quite mean this how you are saying it.
If i am healing people, there is a good possibility that i might also be keyboard turning etc, and not doing a good job at it to boot, because i do all mouseover healing buffing debuffing etc with various keybinds, so i might be driving with my free thumb and not doing a pretty job of it at that.

You are right that bots drive like crap, but your going to have to look beyond just the driving part as not all things in game require FPS type driving, melee in PVP does ranged stuff not so much some times.
Healing, the driving skills are of not a lot of concern.
Never seen a raid video with a pally horrible KB driving because he is mouseover healing half the raid?

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10 years ago I was in a similar situation. I have no malice towards ya, and hope you can claw your way out of that. It’s a fight, but there’s hope waiting on the other end.

I think most R12+ players aren’t bots but are likely account sharing. There are known bots on my server, we see them in the org battleroom all the time getting 40k honor with less then 20 hks. However it doesn’t seem to be that efficient past R10, I did about 8 hours per day and could normally get the same amount as a bot who played 24 hours.

You do have to get quite an impressive amount of honor at R12+ I just don’t think bots can really compete with players account sharing who are winning constantly in premades.