I unsubscribed in less than a week

I really like Torghast and I can’t wait to unlock all the layers and get the rewards it will offer soon.

They never tried the combo, which is what I am suggesting. Random drops + currency and vendor.

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they did that though

wakening essence was their answer, gotten mostly through world quests. you got like 10-20 at a time but needed 1000+ to craft them

people still hated it

It came way too late. That was with argus patch iirc. And argus had its own problems. They needed the vendor and essence system in on day one.

How are you people having so much trouble with Torghast lol. It’s so stupidly easy right now

Bye Felicia

Water is wet.

laugh harder - YouTube

the World of Warcraft community is sad to hear you go. Your great contributions throughout the years will last in our memory for decades to come.

I quit for 18 months during WoD (the worst expansion to date) and I just left. No thread on the forums, no pleading for attempts to bring me back. I just left with dignity. More people should do that, start a diary or make irl friends.

You are welcome to your opinions, but this is just nonsense.
You are admitting to having played less than a week, and attempting to blame that on the expansion?

Most of the expansion’s content is not even out yet, and will be not be coming until the patches that are scheduled over the next 2 years.
Certainly you can not be comparing it to BFA which had 2 years to develop.

Sorry you didn’t enjoy the 7 days you played.
Take a break and reconsider that there is more that should be interested to you than you have done so far though.

It depends on the spec. Between various balance issues of specs and covenants, certain classes/specs have overall much better anima powers to choose from. A lot of the complaining is coming from those classes/specs that just do not have the same options that other classes/specs have.

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What makes them boring?

Which parts and why?

I’ve definitely had my fun in Torghast but it is the weakspot right. That Maw is also pretty garbage, imo.

Well, welcome to the beginning of an expansion.

People who say this are objectively wrong. BfA was HORRIBLE and the community will widely agree with me on that. Comparing it to Shadowlands; Shadowlands wins by default.

You’re doing the same thing you did in BFA dude. Remember the 3.1 metacritic thread for BFA? You said, “Don’t judge. The content isn’t out!” But it was bad. And it stayed bad. This expansion is also bad. The endgame nonraid stuff is BORING.

I am sure the raids will be fantastic as always.


actually it came out before Argus, it was out before nighthold

so literally one tier we didnt have it,

we had it for the next

and then they lowered the cost each tier after

(if i remember correctly that is, i do know it was out for legionfall)

Are you sure? I don’t remember that being the case, but I did take a break shortly after nighthold and came back for broken chore.

Torghast is my favorite new feature. This xpac is fun, I personally feel like they’re heading in the right direction finally. If it’s not for you, that’s fine. Hope you find another game that you do enjoy. Goodbye.

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Torghast is mad fun until u finish layer 3 for both and then u get to just sit there and wait til next week to play the damn game.

i think i got my raid tiers mixed up sorry

emerald dream- rng

nighthold- rng

tomb- essences

argus- essences at a lowered cost

Its seriously some of the most fun ive had in awhile. Compared to islands and warfronts this is a monumental step in the right direction to me

I’m going to miss your threads. Like, how jumping was ruining your immersion. Shadowlands is the first launch since 2012 that I’m actually enjoying.

How can you seriously say that 7 days of an expansion is enough to know the whole thing is going to be bad?

To me, that just says you have no interest in actually enjoying this game, so why even buy it in the first place?

I mean, the most absurd thing about this, is the only thing this person has even done is stuff they could have looked into on the beta to see if they would enjoy or not.

What’s the point of purchasing the expansion if you are sure that without even waiting to see what happens, its going to be bad based on barely anything at all?