I tried to tell you. But you didn't listen

That is the point.


I hope they do. Traditional flying is butt butt. Somehow blizzard will find a way to ruin Dragon Riding for everyone by turning it into something itā€™s not. Like covenants, and Azerite power.

Traditional flying is fine as is and removing it would be silly.
Dragon riding is gonna be the thing you progress so it may very well be like said systems in some distorted way.

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If Blizzard were smart they would remove old flying entirely from the game and keep dragon flying instead. Then slowly introduce the old mount skeletons to the system via patches. This week itā€™s drake mounts, then birds, ect. Some mounts can keep the old flying, like Gyrocoptors or Magic Carpets, but any mount that has wings should use the new system.

Why be smart on a system that basically adds what, time gatingā€¦
I donā€™t quite honestly need more twirls in my playtime. Skygolem made sure of that lol

Past that, it has fatigue etcā€¦

Itā€™s a minigame of sorts to give you the illusion of flying when in reality IT LOOKS like you are only able to get from point a to point b and no further 'till you work on the progression of it. No thanks.

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Thatā€™s too damn bad chief.

Right now, i can use something to get drunk . I think should unsubscribe to content creators all of them. No Iā€™m not going out like pyromancer did,Iā€™m just upset.

Now where did i put my rum?

(sneaks Honeybowl a cookie)



(Been gone for a few months to a year and sees that Grumbles is still on the forums, offering cookies. ā€œToday is a good day.ā€)

Is that where Dracthyr get their abilities from?

Iā€™m still not sold on it, tbh. Unless you fly up three times, you wonā€™t catch the speed you need to get anywhere lol. Which defeats the purpose of even giving us options to use the energy on lol.

We are also supposed to be able to ā€œseeā€ wind currents when weā€™re on the dragon so we know we can fly into them for a speed boost according to a passive, but I have yet to see any currents lol.

I havenā€™t tested it much yet though, so maybe itā€™s just because Iā€™ve been in relatively flat areas.

Oh my goodness, you are so sweet and lovable!! :relaxed:

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I thought it meant dragon-riding was on fire. I mean technically these are dragons but actually being on fire might still be a bad thing for them. Although Deathwing was on fire but then he was completely insane too.

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This isnā€™t the full capabilities of the system. I for one and looking forward to training my dragon and exploring the islands to look for upgrades.