I told my guild I'm quitting

I’m sure they work daily to mitigate botting, and likely have quasi-effective methods to do so. Their recent ban indicates they removed around 75k players.

Interestingly enough, if we exaggerate the amount of players on the 40 servers to 10k per, we have 400,000 players. Being that they just removed ~75k, almost 20% of all the players are bots. I have trouble believing this, and if so it brings their methods into question.

When bots were Black Lotus farming they had numerous accounts to observe spawns, when instance farming they frequently multibox, when leveling you see swarms of 10+.

Accounts using automation software to play have no barrier to spool up additional accounts, or switch servers when they cap. Algorithmically switch to a new server every 5 hours and just keep it running.

You very well may not be, you also could be. Neither of us knows. All we know is of 35.6k viewers, only ~100 liked it.

See you in a month

But it is the first step to recovery. :smiley:


You do 5 in like 25 mins and then do something else.

I think what we’re noticing hard in Classic is the distinction between the mentality of boomers/millennials/zoomers.

I am a millenial.

Baby Boomer Generation|1946|1964|

|Generation X (Baby Bust)|1965|1979|
Generation Y, Gen Next|1980|1994|
|iGen / Gen Z|1995|2012|
|Gen Alpha|2013|2025|

These 14-20 years old with no job living in their moms basement is what we’re dealing with a lot now in Classic.

Called :zap: :zero: :zero: :m: ers


The person I know who plays the most puts in about 9hrs/day. He is a retired Navy Nuclear engineer. In fact, many of my guildies play quite a bit - the youngest are two guys finishing university. Almost all the rest are currently WFH, and run the game in tandem or whenever outside of working hours.

Baseless assumptions contrived by preconceived notions relative to age demographics are just that, baseless.

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I’m a Gen X’er.

We seem to have the ability to lack the tone deafness of the Boomers, and have the common sense lacking in younger generations.

We are also part of the last generation where it was a given that with hard work you’d surpass what your parents achieved.

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It is telling, seeing how many of the ones complaining about this change have multiple accounts.

Nah. The change is fine.
All CAPS does not make it any less fine.


How do you even do 30 instances a day…
There was already a 5 instance per hour lockout if you were doing over 30 instances you’re playing for at least 6 hours straight just doing instances and very fast at that…
Surely you could take breaks to get some fresh air, stretch your legs and get a snack away from the screen if just for a bit? It’s not healthy to sit at your computer all day every day like that. I have the medical bills to prove it.

Most instanced gold farms I’ve seen take at least 8 minutes to do safely and then 2 minutes to do the alt-reset trick…
How much gold are you making and how much do you need?
Are you guys single-handedly keeping the prices of flasks & mats in the hundreds on the AH by having way too much gold all the time??


While it doesn’t seem to be any help, multiboxing requires multiple accounts, the less each account can do to automate gold farming the more accounts you need to reach the same result and the more subs you need to buy, putting more strain on the multiboxers/botters, whether that’s meaning they need to get more copies of retail to farm gold for WoW tokens or paying more subs.

You could say that’s a cynical attempt from Blizz to wring more money out of botters or a legit attempt to make the profit made from gold-selling not worth the cost of subscribing with so many bots.

Yet its server based, so they can remain with the same amount of accounts and simply switch servers.

Can’t trade gold or items between servers, with the exception of account-bound items.
Unless they’re shelling out for server transfers which would become quite expensive quite quickly.

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Gold is sold on every server? Why would they need to transfer it anywhere?

no it usually does actually


While the relative price per gold may be impacted by supply and demand, they still remain profitable nevertheless. With transfers and locks on mega servers, they also can stockpile and capitalize on player migration as well.

Being that prices on the main RMT have been stable, it doesn’t seem that saturated markets have impacted them. And if so, other measures may be counter balancing it.

holy necro batman

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Are you pretending that you don’t easily waste 6h everyday doing something unproductive to real life? Everyone has hobbies that eat massive amounts of time, why is it somehow a personal problem if WoW is that hobby? Why do you even log in if you such a low opinion of the people who enjoy this game for longer play sessions? What’s wrong with your brain?

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Likes, like the number of replies, is meaningless. I rarely like any post unless it’s clever and funny. Others may like every post that they agree with. We are each only one player whether I only like 3 posts and another person likes 3 hundred.