I thought Rank 3 essences were BoA to send to your alts

I was giving a recent example of a system, that was equivalent to the one we have now. And how that system was able to have progress on alts and the main (to then give progress to alts). Do you understand?

Your giving an example about how it was in a previous expansion doesn’t provide sort of response to my statement or the system as it is now. I don’t particularly care how it was in Legion but good for you if you like it!

Read the announcement and later updates. Nowhere did it even suggest that essences were going to be purchasable by your main to mail to your alts.

I don’t like how they did it, either. Makes about as much sense as what they did with the water strider and other things.


Okay? Legion Wakening Essence gains were also drastically lower than the new currency. You can quite easily get 3 rank 3 essences of your choice on an alt in a single week. In Legion you got one random BoA token also at the cost of not getting anything on that character for the week (which mattered since the Legendary Gloves were last 3 total dps legendary for my shaman yet were BiS).

Yes, it is almost like they figured you wanted to play them. Silly them, they don’t realize a whole lot of people are just ‘collecting’ essences.