I thought convoke was suppose to ignore cc

queue up so i can tbag another boomy :smiley:

hes having a meltdown


It avoids most (if not all) cc that can break on damage (it breaks roots, I think). Do you think it shouldn’t work on stunned targets? Ferals and balance bashers wouldn’t like that. :stuck_out_tongue:

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if convoke ignored cc then boomkins wouldnt have to piss off to the other side of the room on huntsman

No judgement, but you now know cyclone ignores convoke because you’ve tried it. Lesson learned, why wouldn’t you just move on and play accordingly? Cyclone is essentially a banish that removes the enemy from the game… why should you be able to do anything to them? Maybe it’s meant to ignore the crowd control effects of your partners?

Just saying… if it doesn’t work with clone, it doesn’t work, why would u rush to the forums just to get trolled?

why can i just tell that this boomie never played above 2k

He probably does now tho which is sad enough

From my experience the RANGED abilities it uses will ignore rooted targets almost completely, but I have see it blow its entire load on a cyclone.
The protection is there to avoid unintentional CC breaks. It most likely ignores that check when it comes to cyclone because is not broken by damage and it is treated like a stun.

The feral melee attacks it throws out will target anything close enough, CC or not.

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Guess you need to switch covenants :woman_shrugging:t6:

Wait so basically you want an ability that shouldn’t even be useable in arena to be even better??

Not sure if serious…

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This guy gets it.

Oh noooo, I gave an enemy an immunity and it only killed half their team instead of the whole team, oh noooooooo

Blizz please fixxxxxxxxx

It’s a ‘smart’ ability meant to not break breakable cc which would be damaging to gameplay.
Cyclone is not breakable therefore it’s working as intended.

Try turning your character from the clone directionally or using the range of convoke to prevent your burst going into cyclone

So, basically every major offensive CD? Hate to break it to you, but they can all be CC’d - some are just easier to shut down than others, but Convoke is one of the most disgusting anyway.

Convoke doesn’t have directional limitations

Probably something that should be changed then offensive abilities wise :smiley:

That would make the spell incredibly broken.

Convoke won’t hit cc that is breakable aka sheep or roots. Cyclone can’t be broken so its not in the filter of cc to avoid.

This guy wants to cyclone someone, then cast convoke on them and instantly kill them.

Why even make a topic and embarass yourself? I think you were better off learning it doesn’t avoid cyclone and moving onto the next game lmao

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lmao this guy legend prediction.