I thought convoke was suppose to ignore cc

except it doesn’t and pumped every single ability into a cycloned target but ok

oh no ur one shot ability got countered by ur own cc !


an ability you have to plan out and time correctly and get all stuns out of the way and juke kicks, Yeah, it takes some lining up, so yes, I’m pissed, maybe learn how it works before opening your mouth

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lierally first global out of stealth


because youre terrible, no reason to open a thread

Don’t forget the rootless beam bro!

Imagine cloning a target then pressing your big damage button on him…

Then coming to the arena forums about it.

I’ve never seen these forums in such shambles, nor have I seen more people listing themselves in LFG for triple digit rating pushes (no rating knock here, but really?)

What’s going on this expac…

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You morons are ignoring the entire point of the thread and talking about everything else, the spells suppose to avoid cc, it didn’t. That’s the complaint, just cuz ya’ll are butthurt about dying to it doesn’t mean it doesn’t take some actual setup to get some benefit out of it at a higher rating, just cuz you are stuck at 1500 doesn’t mean people above that don’t know how to counter it

Everyone who replied is higher than you lol

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youre the definition of a 1.5 player, wdym hardstuck 1.5

Like legit, you suck bad, coming here complain about an absolute broken ability

get lost

it’s called cloning the healer then using it ? and it ignores that? dude, the hell are you talking about

You can’t actually see my rating so, how the actual f would you know?

Rating shaming is super, super, super silly to do on the forums…

It’s even sillier when you, yourself, have no rating.


Thats all the proof I need

lmfao just cuz you are all sick of dying to the spell doesn’t mean the complaint isn’t valid, so go ahead and rage and throw everything at the subject besides what was brought up because you’re mad you don’t know how to kick it

glad to see my daily check on the forums has yet again gave me something to laugh at…never a dull moment here!


Notice how OP gave his target an immunity to damage, popped convoke on them, and instantly rushed to the forums when they took 0 damage.

Nobody here cried about convoke… Come on man…

Did you even Read the complaint or just make up your own mind about what the thread was about. IT IS SUPPOSE TO IGNORE CC. IT DID NOT. VALID COMPLAINT, the f are you smoking dude


Yes, convoke is very big brain u are absolutely right


Did you hear me coughing? Who said I was smoking?

Just a thought OP…

Instead of letting your emotions get the better of you and resorting to flaming others, maybe consider taking a second to think about what people are saying.

You don’t press convoke when people are CC’d anyways…you go full smorc facesmash and pwn those noobs. :>

Your response did, because you clearly don’t know how to read and formulate what a topic is about and spew your mouth about nothing relating to the subject