I think the class feels a bit clunky

Hey guys, I just boosted a Rogue and after playing for a few hours I gotta say that the class really doesn’t feel good to play, the rotation is not smooth especially the AoE rotation, I’m playing Assassination and I’ve also tried Outlaw but I don’t know I just can’t enjoy it even if I force myself too.

Has anybody felt the same way when they first started maining Rogue and did you end up really liking it?

Sorry to whoever take offense to that post in advance.


Gets a lot smoother with gear.

Outlaw and Assassin are in a good position. Sub gameplay can feel bad.

Note: the name :purple_heart:


Thanks for your reply and yeah, few are the people who recognize my name lmao

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Assassination is super easy imo. Keep your Garrote and Rupture up ALWAYS and apply from stealth. Having the Talent that allows you to use stealth abilities after breaking it helps out a lot here as it allows you to spam up to 4-5 garrotes across multiple enemies before it expires. Spam Mutilate/Dispatch for solo mobs until 5 combo points and either stun or envenom.

AoE, you just keep using Fan of Knives and applying Rupture to everything if you want to keep it simple after applying garrote to everything from stealth. You don’t even need to max out the CP usage for AoE situations if not in a raid since most things die pretty quickly if it requires AoE. You get energy regeneration for targets that have both bleeds and a poison on them. Getting more into more advanced tactics, you can find a good place to envenom targets in the middle of a AoE session to improve your Poison applications for more procs.

So far Assassination is my bread and butter and it feels the best it has ever been considering how much utility and flexibility the spec has. I can solo all of the 3+ elites and sometimes the 5 man elites if I can use my CD’s properly.

Assassination is the smoothest flowing spec I’ve ever played. With an addon like Hero Rotation, it’s like spreading honey on warm toast. :wink:

Outlaw, I felt was very clunky. I reminds me of playing Wack-A-Mole.

Subtlety is just in a bad place at the moment and nothing feels good about it. It’s like beta testing a class but it’s so bugged you can’t test it.

First i love the name, really enjoy her content =]

Yeah it does get better but i will say you have to learn your toolkit well and play around it. Assassin has a lot of downtime waiting for energy but it gets better.

You want to get both bleeds up then once you have 5 combo points, pool some energy for an envenom then 2 mutilates. Its ok to not press a button for a few secs to line up your “combo”

AoE is kinda funky with assassin but you wanna put ruptures on everything with your combo points generated with fan of knives. Once you have a bunch of targets poisoned and bleeding the energy comes in hot!

Outlaw is an aoe beast and really fun to play, but again its all about managing your energy. You will learn the flow of rogue as you keep playing, it truely is a fun class to master cause its so rewarding. Be patient and keep at it

Imagine admitting that you watch pr0nz… incredibly shameful activity. And yea it’s all gear.

I’m sure you don’t. kappa

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