I’m thinking of each of you in your gaming chair at your desk set just right, or mess like mine: what does yours look like? I’m thinking of your kitchens & cupboards with the coffee or tea mugs. What’s your favorite? I’m thinking of the window views. Are you seeing leafless woods, wet, slick streets, snow piles. Is your home warm and cozy? Is your life okay?
You are sitting in your environment, your touchstone and we are all miraculously talking and playing together, and bickering like children as well. It doesn’t matter. I’m seeing people of different ages, different styles, different approaches, but somehow I want to see your home, your desk with the mug on top and the decorations on your wall and the color of your couch.
A game builds a world for us. WoW for all it’s drawbacks does build a beautiful playground. We want more toys and different dresses for our dolls, but there is this living breathing human who is in a totally different place than I am. We sit down, turn on our computers and there we are face to face. Hi!
Edit: finally figured it out to request for mine. Post 115 I think…lol
In my living room sitting on my couch, with my laptop, I have one of those TV Dinner table trays from Walmart, I just took the legs off, perfect size and weight for my laptop, mouse and coffee cup. TV on, curtains closed - the real world looks nasty today. Slippers on, supper/dinner/tea cooking.
Got my PJ bottoms on and a really big oversized sweater, fluffy socks and slippers! I have a bag of candy I am ignoring next to me on the couch - Andes Peppermint Crunch! I always try to keep a little something something incase I get a sweet tooth.
If I get bored playing WoW I can just set my laptop down and watch a movie.
I used to play in my office on a desktop, swore I would never play WoW on a laptop, but here I am and I’m never looking back! Living room is the hub of the house, I can see or hear everything that is going on, especially with my kids so I’m staying put! ( though the kids know Mommy can see and hear anything no matter where I am in the house!)
My desk is a cluttered mess – I don’t eat at it so it isn’t dirty as much as cluttered. Right now a fan is running and is my white noise. I’m wearing a headset and in my socks. To my left is a window high on the wall and gives me a view of an old, tall pine tree.
Behind me is the living room and the back yard that is dominated by a citrus tree and an extensive rose garden.
I’m looking at your avatar and it is becoming blended in with your narrative and is my active view on the monitor.
Mine is an old wood desk; the wood on top frames a glass top. My window looks out onto a courtyard type backyard with bird feeders and windchimes. My mug is a pale pink, narrow and tall with blades of pale yellow and green grass blowing from the bottom.
my laptop that I’m writing on is sitting on a cross-legged me in front of the tv that has GoT replaying and the prettiest christmas tree I’ve ever decorated glowing with multi-color lights - it’s a small and cozy
I’m so glad I got to come in your home! I’m in pj’s, grey ribbed lounge pants and a white and black boat neck, sleeves past the wrist stuffy like top. I used to have the desk in here; we moved it, but we’re moving it back. I miss my friend, the tv, in the background.
Amazing that you play on a a laptop!!!
I love this thread. It seems so personable and beyond mud puddle depth, which is exactly my vibe. It’s just sad though that people can be interactive like this in a group setting, but one-on-one they’re as flat as a soda that’s been sitting out all week.
My WoW-space is pretty generic I suppose… My computer desk with a clear top, my gaming laptop and mouse, my clicky keyboard, and my 36" curved gaming monitor. Dang… thinking about my computer space makes me want to log in tonight.
But my PS5 and Switch get played from the comfy couch. I need to upgrade my gaming TV though. My current TV is 10 years old.
oh, surely this is too harsh - and come on, most people probably think this topic is horse-manure. If it gets anymore replies I’ll be super surprised! But I’m not greedy, just peeping into a few hearts and homes was a joy. And I bet a one on one conversation at the coffee shop in the bookstore would be sparkling with any one of you.
Sitting in my office. It’s just off the kitchen and connected to the living room with an arched half wall. My desk is currently a total disaster. Cluttered with some paperwork that I will get to at some point, 3 broken phone chargers, my glasses repair kit and a box of tissues. Oh and a 24oz cheap plastic handled mug from Walmart with red starbursts, white “smoke”, a blue lid/straw and has the words “Go less Texa” (it uses to say “God Bless Texas” but it’s old and the lettering is slowly wearing off) It should get retired but someone I adore got it for me and I just can’t part with it.
The walls are covered with posters that I like. A few Nightmare Before Christmas ones. A couple of autographed pics from cons. A banner from the 2005 Sony FanFaire. A few awards. A couple of pictures of my kids and dogs. One wall is taken up with shelving that holds my collection of action figures, old dolls, Pop! figures and bits and bobs and stuff I found at yard sales that I found strange and interesting. My dog’s “bedroom” is in the corner. She likes to be close to me so we put her indoor doggie house in here.
Glancing into the living room I can see my daughter playing on the Switch. She’s sitting on our mystery colour sofa. I say it’s grey. Everyone else says it’s blue.
Out the window I can see that the leaves are finally starting to fall off one of our trees. It’s currently 70 degrees outside. (gross. I want cold and snow. Stupid Texas and it’s stupid refusal to cooperate. mumblegrumble)
The kitchen has all black appliances. Dark wood floors and cabinets. Dark wood table and chairs. All the accents are red and blue. Except for the stuff that isn’t. Like the deep freeze. But hey, there’s a pile of kitchen towels on top of it waiting to be folded and they’re red so I guess maybe that counts? Red and blue runner rugs. Fridge is covered in pictures of my family, a note board so we can insult each other and at least 134587 plastic letters and numbers with magnets.
So hi. Kettle is on, can I interest you in a cuppa?
OH and if we’re adding in what we’re wearing? My Horde hoodie, black sweats, 1 green fuzzy sock and one black one. (life is too short to worry about matching socks)
Oh I agree, it’s very harsh. The actual truth usually is. That’s why I’m not often very honest in my posts and opt instead to just be jovial. The truth is very seldom well received.
My desk is pretty clean and clear. I don’t like messes. All I have on my main desk area is my tower, two monitors, cable modem + wifi router, and 3x UPS to keep my stuff running no matter what, RBG gaming mat w/ mouse + KB on it. On my “L” side portion of my desk I just have a printer and a large clear space for work or whatever. I think all in all I have about 48 sq feet of desk space and it’s mostly clear. Feels good.