I swear Torghast is going to break me

Just seems like everything is Torghast, Torghast and more Torghast. And the zones are pure hell to deal with. Oh hey, you need to grapple to these platforms where 20 mobs are waiting for you. And when they do die, the ground is now lava. Or just that whole wing in general.

Even when feeling good that rngeesus granted you decent anima, still getting to a boss that just destroys you and negates that 2 or so hours you just spent. It just sucks your soul out of you.

But we need you to go back again and again and again. I almost feel like its giving me ptsd when i leave. Same with the maw. You do anything and suddenly youre getting chained and attacked by assassins over and over.

I mean seriously, this is not fun. At all. Yes, i know there are people who will say they love this stuff. Good for you. Glad you enjoy it. But as many posts before and after will have said, its not fun gameplay. It’s stressful if anything.


Jailer: (chuckling) Good, good.


Real talk - this isn’t me being antagonistic, or sarcastic. If you find something stressful, do not participate in it.

I hate the Maw. So I don’t do it. Now and again I get the bug up my butt to go do it quick for the week or whatever. But mostly? My woman and I ignore it.

Torghast is an acquired taste. Some people love it, some people are meh, some people find it fun and some people hate it. I like Torghast, my woman doesn’t like it so much, we tough it out together. Maybe find someone to go do Torghast with that you’ll have fun playing with. Might make it more tolerable.


Just checking - are you running Torghast solo? If so, find someone to go with you. Just one run. I think you’ll see the difference. Much more enjoyable and smooth.

Also, there is diminishing returns on the Soul Ash, so you don’t have to do the higher layers.

As for the Maw, as you do the weekly Ven’ari quests, do purchase the Maw and Torghast upgrades. Do this as soon as you can, as the less stygia on you, the less you risk out in the Maw.

Apologies if you’re already aware of the above.

way to repetitive, there is now way in hell i am going to do this tower over and over for 2 years until the next expansion.


I don’t think it’s mean to be done repeatedly for the entire expansion, i got my mount for layer 8 and i won’t be going back.

Torghast is one of those things that sounds good on paper, but in practice is a poorly implemented slog. Success is basically entirely dependent upon RNG and whatever your class/spec is, there’s no opportunity to overcome the “challenge” with your skill as an individual. And the rewards are all-or-nothing, so even if you manage to make it to the final floor you can still get walled by a bad boss matchup with nothing to show for it.

Twisting Corridors did nothing but further drive this point home and make Torghast’s poor design even more obvious. You just climbed up 13 floors, but the game didn’t bother offering you anything meaningfully defensive like HP increases? Guess your ~2 hours spent getting that far are wasted because now basic trash is oneshotting you with white damage.


I agree. Torghast sucks - it’s such a tremendous chore. Who the hell finds this even remotely fun?


And that was kinda it today. I got lots of buffs for damage and pet damage ( playing my hunter this weekend) and got to lvl 11. Lost 3 lives here to the packs including once going to a “you are hunted” up a chain and 2 guys ignore my pet and nuke me in 2 hits. So i skipped it and go to lvl 12 (invis through all the packs fighting themselves) and get the dog boss. Some Warden. And he killed my pet and me in seconds. Run back with a bit more strategy and got him to 40% when he killed me. And by then it was too late. All lives gone and kicked. While i had 2 good heal animas, nothing that buffed my health along the way.

I was doing the Anduin quest, so i just said screw it and did 1-6 2 times. Id already been there 2 hours.

But just the constant paranoia feeling. It wears you down.

Mossclaw, yeah i run it solo. Anyone I knew retired so many years ago. And with a bit of social anxiety that has gotten worse this year thanks to lockdowns, i cant even function in a guild. I tried twice. So 16 years in game, and not a soul that i know.

Oh and i do have some of the stygIa items. Cant say ive seen them do anything. And i just do the max level i want. 5 on this character and 3-4 on the hunter, depending on the level. The DR doesn’t make it worth it for me.

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Is only a waste of time if you solo it. In a group you have to fail to mechanics to lose. No rng in group

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ok genius, i wont do torghast at all and play the game raid and arenas without a legendary sounds like a genius idea… intellectual level of some people on internet godd…

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Quoting only one piece of my post is misleading and disingenuous. Primarily, I had been speaking on the Maw in my discussion of not doing something someone finds not fun, which is why in that same post you had discussed, I said that Torghast is an acquired taste, and to perhaps find someone to do it with that way it’ll be fun and more tolerable.

Further, there’s zero reason to be rude, or overly silly about such a subject. If you are so bothered, you will participate.

It’s not endless like horrible visions… once you get rank 3 leggo I recommend stopping. Then it really doesn’t feel that bad - at least not like corruption or other endless grinds.

Oh and I’m not even doing the twisted version, no mount is worth that hassle. They’d have to lock flying behind it to get me to do it… /uh-oh

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Oh, that is easy mode then.

This is their number one expansion feature.

The best minds of the WoW development team came up with this.

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I love Torghast but YEAH. So much fun with other people.

We got our @$$ handed to us and perma wiped.

but we still had fun.

“Hey what are we going to do with all of these Diablo devs working on Shadowlands…?”

How Chorghast was born.

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And that has what ive done. 2 rank 3 legos on this character. 1 prot & 1 ret. i wont go back until It’s required.

My hunter, i might go back. I had good runs this past week. Go for a rank 2 and call that done

maw is mandatory too ? sockets ?

It’s boring. If it remains the only real source of soul ash I won’t make it through the expansion. Having one tedious way to craft legendary gear is just bad.