I seriously just dont get it

Why is arthas mount named invincible when you can clearly see it? smh my head


Why do they keep making games about zelda saving the princess?

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Invincible =/= Invisible. Time people learn the difference.

Maybe consider doing like the Xbox 360 and walking away.


Old bait is old.

Cause goku sucks

You’re going to look back at this thread and cringe.
I wish I could be there to see that disappointing look :smiley:

I’m still learning about flammable vs inflammable.

Life is hard :frowning:

In the words of Coolio “It’s goin on in the kitchen, but I don’t know what’s cookin’”.

… Don’t take the bait, don’t take the bait, don’t take the bait …

A 360° turn would end up facing the exact same direction therefore it would still be coming toward us!



I’m surprised there are still people in this world that don’t cringe at this sort of thing

And then you walk away.

that doesnt change the fact that you can still see the mount >.>

you forgot

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