I Saw Someone FLYING Around Mechagon! Already?

“I can’t believe it’s all over. What do we do now?”

“What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game.”


I’ve had a very limited time to play the game because of real life circumstances. Spending a good amount of that looking stuff up isn’t fun for me. I don’t mind secrets or things that I have to figure out now and then, but when I’m trying to earn flight, and I don’t have more than an hour or two to play per day right now, then it gets frustrating.

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I’ve got flying. 3-4 hrs of dailies for the past week. Mechagon rep was practically thrown at me, and I never even did the fishing or pet battles there. Nazjatar rep was a lot slower, only had two or three rep tokens, and got my last 3kish rep doing pet battles. I was also doing part two on my alliance character, so she was getting the rep bonus for being human.

Naz’jatar has been easier and faster for me, not sure how Mechagon is faster for some. /shrugs/

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What are you talking about? If you knew anything about the current state of the game you would have known that wasn’t realistic as pathfinder has been a thing for 2 expacs already. As far as the blue post you responded to, revered is very easy to get to, and yea, even casual people should easily get flying within a month of the patch going live. I quest casually myself, I’ve even missed whole days of rep quests so far, and i expect to be revered in a week.

I got it today just doing dailies and all the quests, along with pet battles. By far easiest pathfinder yet.

Really? Legion was peanuts - rep fell from the sky and the suramar stuff was ezpz and the last bit was fun to see how they invade the city.

Yes it was, but I am talking time to get. Legion was 2 weeks solid BFA 7 days.

That’s if you didn’t miss anything, even when I missed a day, I still got it fairly ez with no pressure. Here I missed the chromie visit so I’m out of luck for extra rep 'till she comes back. Not to mention farming rares is a big boring crock to do, secret fish are 25 only and there really isn’t much past that after you do the few dailies or wq.

Ah yea, sorry to her that. She should be back up again in few days. But I really didn’t do many there, my rep came from pet battles and farming rares.

A Harvard scholarship and job offer.

A lot of people under the impression that it took a massive timesink to get flying on Monday. It did not, what it took was knowing every single thing you could possibly do to get rep and doing it. The blue poster here said there were repeatable ways to get rep, that is just not true. There was nothing repeatable within a single day, everything was gated daily. People who fished all 10 rare Mechagon rare fish every day since day 1, did the recycler everyday since day 1, and got the future Mechagon crafted item so they could do future Mechagon dailies every day, along with just the normal dailies/WQs on Mechagon easily got revered rep on Monday.

As for Nazjatar, the biggest thing that people seemingly did not know about was that the first time you do each pet battle you gain 250 rep, even if its not the WQ battle for the day. Other than that Naz didn’t really have any “hidden” ways to gain the rep, just needed to do the dailies and WQs each day to get revered on Monday.

Well then read the guides, doesn’t mean everyone has to be forced into knowing everything and being spoiled, just because you want to know everything. There’s literally guides out there telling you everything about mechagon and nazjatar, if you really want to know.

I’m curious as to how farming rares helps. Don’t they stop giving rep after you take them down the first time?

Yeah, how do you do that? I got so much parts/junk/scrap???

You can’t. Recycler gives rep once per day.

Ohhhh nooooo, someone got a time-gated item too soon! Whatever shall we do? Who gives a crap. Grats to them. Most people are going to be getting it very soon anyways. Does it hurt you that someone got it this soon?

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Ohhhhh noooo a game people pay almost $200 a year to play screws its player base over and people actually come out and complain. The audacity.


Very easy for me to play wow for the last ten years and not voice my opinion of “what should” and “what shouldnt” in the game. blizzard doesn’t owe anyone anything. And if your one of those types, “I’ve paid them 200 a year for blah blah blah blah blah” your still not important sorry to say… and sounds like something a child would argue. Amazes me how many ppl cry out their feelings about the game when its not gonna make a difference. Besides how is it so difficult to just play a game as it evolves and enjoy the things you do like about it ? Plenty of loved things about wow has gone away or changed. What makes this expansion any dif? Just get what you can out of the game and if u don’t like it move the hell on and stop playing