I really hope Warthin's cinematics

i mean im seeing it thrown everywhere on the forums so its the official abbreviation no?

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Maybe not, but add some spicy meatballs and just maybe.

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It’s Warthin’s Tumor, not Warthin Tumor. The name of the tumor is actually papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum.

Warthin is a common English family name.

It should be :triumph:

Despite the 2 or 3 people trying to push it, the actual official abbreviation is TWAIN

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I would play Operation WoW.

Pandas are going to be hard though.

Undead will be even harder, one wrong move and they fall apart.

By the one or two people who post at nauseum that in their title to try to have it catch and admitting it’s to annoy people.

It’s posted by a few baiters trying to make a fad.

Hardly better then T squad with LGBTQ topic spam at this point

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Stop using them sausage fingers or 'lse imma eat 'em. lol. :hotdog: /j

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No. It’s a person’s name at worst. At best. It’s the next wow expansion :see_no_evil:

As an English person living in England.
No it’s not.
Literally never heard it before.

What a weird way to announce to the whole world that you don’t go out, read books or have any friends.

So this is the new buzzword then?

This is because an education is no longer required to graduate high school in the US.
Don’t take my word for it.
Ask Oregon.

I love Dragonflight’s cinematics!

what does that even mean? Disney? Like, big eyes?

I knew exactly who bumped this before I opened it.


they’re ona tumor eating rampage.

please don’t derail the thread.


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