I re-did the essence grind on an alt

Hard to debate this, I agree with you.

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Work is da poop! No more!


People threaten to leave over anything.

Yep, Would rather raid-log than be a tedious grinding slave. When we said we need more content back in WoD I had in mind that we meant actually engaging content and not mindless grinding. I can play BDO for grind to earn more grind playstyle.


…and then they actually do leave.

Blizzard has been able to move forward because they push more revenue through the cash shop to make up for subscription revenue, but that’s not long-term thinking.

Do you have anything to back this up or did you just make this up or hear a streamer say it?

Why Blizzard thinks I’ll waste my time investing in a tacked on system that will be obsolete in the next expansion is beyond me. Maybe for mains its a good thing, but it kills my enjoyment of the game if I ever want to play an alt.


Gear has always been obsolete in the next expansion. Lol


Essence isn’t gear, it’s hastily made system tacked on to the existing Azerite Power infinigrinder mechanic that requires you to do a very linear quest chain. On top of that gear doesn’t become obsolete immediately into the expac like Azerite Power will when we inevitably have to sacrifice its power to reset the power scaling back to 0.

I also don’t invest heavily into gear for the exact same reason.

Yeah, people are leaving.

I don’t think Blizzard gets it, if faced with having to re-do essence grinds or just ignoring alts - a OVERWHELMING majority of people i know are chosing to just not play alts at all.

I can speak for my guild and 4 other guilds who had alt runs basically removed in 8.2, because we do a combined run of those of us who hated ourselves enough


Both of your transmog are pretty cool looking.

Oh yeah, I haven’t touched my alts neither. I mostly use them just to be level 120 bank alts because I’m not going through multiple grinds.

Blizzard’s PR team tells this to WoW news people, so yeah.

Bellular (makes WoW news videos on YouTube) has said many times that Blizzard will contact him before he does a story on WoW, and they’ll ask him to mention that most of the game’s revenue comes from the shop. I assume they do this because they don’t like the “low subs gaem ded” line.

I suppose you’ll want to say that people are flat out lying about talking to Blizzard reps, but no I didn’t make it up or hear a twitch streamer say it.

I’ve never gotten the “people threaten to leave but they never do” crap. Most of the game’s population since peak subscriber numbers has quit for whatever reason. That is a fact. Sure, they may have around 2 million people still playing, but there is no universe in which 2 equals 12.

It’s not all that surprising that people on the forums will fight against objective fact. There are folks who can’t tell the difference between themselves and Blizzard, so they chimp out when they see anything that isn’t 100% positive because they take it personally.

What disappoints me is that Blizzard seems to design around this assumption. “They’ll never leave. They’ll suck it up and use the system and then we’ll hook them.” And when people do quit, the devs either freak out and have to scrap future content or double down and then freak out and have to scrap future content.

So frustrating. Makes me want to find the people making these decisions and shake them, or squirt them with a spritzer like people do with misbehaving cats.

Where did the PR team say this? This doesn’t sound like something a PR team would even talk about…

Did you even read the rest of my post? It’s literally the next sentence.

Also, why even argue this? What do you think Blizzard meant all those times they said they stopped reporting subscriber numbers because those numbers were no longer an accurate reflection of WoW’s revenue?

Hint: it’s not a conspiracy. Nobody is trying to hide it, although you seem to be trying to hide from it for some weird reason.

I couldn’t even do it on my main.

Blizzard isn’t asking him to release this information lol. c’mon man.

I know I’m in the minority here, but I’ve always been OK with having your choice of main be very meaningful… with catching up an alt being nearly as time consuming as gearing a main.

It adds value to someone’s main - it also adds value to someone’s alt. If you’ve gone through the effort and can say: “I can get on my alt” and actually have a meaningful contribution, that’s not something a lot of folks can do in 8.2.5 - I know I can’t. My alts still level 115.

Does it add more value to your alt that other people are quitting the game over this issue?

Does it add more value to your alt that I bought BfA when it was on sale and have decided it’s a worthless waste of time to even start playing at this point, between these essences and the craptastic corrupted gear?

The fewer players are playing, the more value to your alt?

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Yeah, and apparently Blizzard is also lying when they say subscriptions aren’t an accurate measure for the game’s revenue.

You are literally trying to blank out something that even Blizzard themselves has zero problem talking about. Why?