I re-did the essence grind on an alt

blizzard is kind of dumb with their alt policy.

they want alts to be hard to gear up… so that people play more…

but it doesnt make sense.

people would obviously play more if they had several classes to choose from instead of just 1.

people get bored of the same thing, but when they have options they tend to stick around

You sound like the fool that was arguing with someone in one of these threads who did have account wide achievements turned off ( I checked) that they didn’t have the achievement.

You make it sound like it is hard to get an essence to lvl 3 which is what you are claiming that these people don’t even have that.

In any case, since you haven’t bothered asking any of these people, I am going with this just didn’t happen business.

Doing my third now. Is annoying but also kinda easy because I know all the mechanics and so it’s most like just brainless.

You can no longer evade me Tickles!

Replaying content is fine, the problem is that a lot of the things you need to do for certain essences don’t make compelling content on repeat play-throughs - that’s obviously just my opinion, but honestly, I don’t find that much novelty in doing a few WQs a day for a couple of weeks.

The rep-based ones, especially, feel more like simply waiting until you can have them. It’s not hard, just time-consuming, and boring. I’d much rather significant power gains weren’t locked behind rep grinds and similar content.

I don’t hate rep grinds, but I do hate them being a part of my progression. It’s the same reason I hated attunements, and I’m very glad they’re gone.

That person was talking about a mage though. They don’t need to have the rep ones, or at least the Nazjatar rep one which is the worst. Doing the one Mechagon daily is a joke and no one should be complaining about that.

I decided to play classic too … so a main in BfA and my alt is in Classic :). Never doing warcampaign or essences grind ever again… I did it 6 times already :joy:

Oh yeah, the war campaign wasn’t great to do twice - That’s no kidding…

Rep you earned on one character. Go play Streetfighter, might be more your speed/taste.

Yes, it is so dreadful I’m not pushing new alts. Traditionally it’s about now I push up a dozen or so alts. That simply 'aint gonna happen. Best hope I have “enough to do” on my 2 mains bliz… pressure’s on you.

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Its pretty clear they just wanted to put an essence into basically every playstyle, while focusing on the new patch.

Raiding - Essence
Mythic+ - Essence
New Mega Dungeon - Essence
Islands - Essence
Unrated PvP - Essence
Rated PvP - Essence
New zone followers - Essence
New Zone rep - Essence x2 (one for each zone)
Heart AP level - Essence
World PvP - Essence

Player response to these options?



You’re missing the point of the post, I was fine to do it once. My point is doing it twice is stupid, we already put in the time.

Good one!!!


Its a new character. Power progression has never been account wide beyond leveling heirlooms.

And you get 4 for free.

The more things are account wide the more it encourages class stacking and fotm rerolling because it doesnt reward dedicating to a character.

No, but outside of exceptions like Legion and BC alts have never had this much backlog of totally optional but not really content needed to catch up.

Oh no people are going to class stack when Hall of Fame is closed the humanity. If you think essence grind stops the people who would actually class stack you’re delusional.

Again, 4 essences, for dps really good ones, through normal/minimal play.

And? I would love to play my healer alts, but when every good essence comes from rep grinding, one you can get pre easy from 1600 rating arenas every week for a few weeks isn’t bad, but when 2-3 of our bis essences are from rep grinding which takes weeks of thoughtless grinding for each toon, why would I want to play my alts?

If your problem is then there isn’t much to progress on alts, not true.
In Mythic your alts are meant to be as strong as your main, why would I need to do months of rep grinding per toon when all the grinding is, is some of the least interesting, least repeatable content I’ve seen from any game.

I struggle to just keep up with AP because this boring ST design forced down my throat, what makes Blizzard think I’m going to want to stomach that again anymore than I physically have to?


I gotta agree with Timbo.

This destroys any incentives to play alts seriously or switch mains. Even if it doesn’t remove the amount of “work” that goes into progression, removing the time gating would be appropriate. It shouldn’t take me weeks (not weeks of work, but literal weeks because of arbitrary caps on progress) to catch up to a character that’s already done the grind.


I know the topic’s done to death at this point, but the daily timegating really does make it feel more like work than if it were a long, punishing grind.

It’s purely psychological, obviously, but logging in to do some of these tasks makes me feel the same way I do when I clock in to work. I’m not there to challenge myself, just to get in, get the work done and go the hell home.

This is further compounded, of course, by the fact that the content isn’t very interesting. I wouldn’t even mind the sensation of ‘clocking in’ if it were to do something entertaining.

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Well, no, you aren’t listening. It’s: “I am ok doing it on my mains… but for alts this is way too much.”

Catch-up mechanics exist for most everything else - and for good reason. Why have to do the complete grinds on every toon?

Example: you want to try a new alt in M+. Enjoy your 3 week time-gate for the Essence rank 3 from Naz followers. Yes, 3 weeks of 10 minutes a day. Now how is that “fun” again?

I got null barrier rank 3 on my 2nd tank and am never going to do Mechagon again. That entire hub is dead to me.

Another example: what if you had to do pathfinder on EVERY TOON. Not just your main, every single one?


Totally agree here. Its not entertainment. Its work. If It feels like work, it smells like work, it tastes like work Then its work.

I revel in a challenge and have fun with challenges. These are about as challenging as washing my dishes.

This is clearly a sign of things to come. Which is why I wont be buying the next expansion. Maybe ill buy in once its 9.3.5 at a discount with less of a disgusting anti consumer grind.

They do not respect our time as gamers or our wishes to play the content we love. They want to force us to do the most unchallenging, mundane, and grindy content they have. Player choice and freedom are out the window if that player wants to be competitive. Pvp players forced to pve. Pve players forced to pvp. Dungeon crawlers forced to world quest farm. No one is happy in the content they are being forced to do which goes back to making us a community of gamers that hate the content we are doing and hate logging into the game. So its making the game more toxic. Id rather just play other games.

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